Power doesn't equal force, but one can move mountains

I've been contemplating two words: power and force. Hidden in these two words, even though they are used interchangeably, is a lesson about aging. The differences are subtle. Power is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as "the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality, as in the power of speech.

On the other hand, force is defined as "strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement, as in he was thrown backward by the force of the explosion."

Force entails movement like push or pull. Force creates a counteraction. For example, if I push a door open, the door moves to accommodate the force. Whereas power is neutral and does not necessarily result in movement. A human example of this subtle difference would be a powerful man who can move an audience to action through words, charisma and beliefs. But a forceful man can only apply pressure to make his audience act.

In a nutshell, power is influence and force is pressure.

A favorite book — on my bookshelf for years — is "Power vs. Force" by David R. Hawkins, M.D, Ph.D. It is a study of kinesiology. I must admit that there is a great deal I don't comprehend, but the title always stuck with me as a foundational truth.

I've been thinking about how it applies to aging. So much of our early life is spent proving our strength. We attain positions of authority, including raising a family, pursuing a job and gaining control over our life, finances and environment. We set rules for ourselves and other people and then work to enforce them, expending a great deal of energy to maintain our status.

Force often creates conflict; there are always winners and losers. But as we age, life has a way of humbling us. We may not be in positions of dominance and control. We realize we cannot force anyone to do anything.

But there is good news. We still have great power because power is inner strength. Hawkins says: "Power … is associated with meaning, and this meaning has to do with the significance of life itself. Power uplifts, dignifies, and ennobles."

Genuine power does not create conflict and is based on love, gratitude, forgiveness and generosity. It does not create counterforce or enemies. Power is not based on physical strength, but its influence can move mountains.

Qualities like inner strength, resilience, perseverance, tenacity, courage and the ability to overcome difficulties are all examples of personal power that come with experience. It may take a lifetime to achieve, but it is far superior to a life of struggle and the use of force. Mahatma Gandhi says: "Strength does not come from winning. It is your struggle that develops your strength."

Find Connie’s book, “Daily Cures: Wisdom for Healthy Aging,” at www.justnowoldenough.com.

This article originally appeared on Topeka Capital-Journal: Be mindful of the difference between power and force as you age