PowerArchiver review

PowerArchiver is a central one-stop compression shop that can handle all available formats.


Streamlined interface: Menus are grouped together in common sense categories, and the program is easy to figure out right away.

Compression and cloud: PowerArchiver can handle any form of compression you throw at it, including the fairly new 7 Zip format. It can also back up to cloud storage, handle your FTP, encrypt your files, and batch compress them all with just a few clicks.


Homegrown problems: PowerArchiver has been through a few versions already and is known to have versions released with known faults. Frequent updates are frustrating if you don't want to mess with updating or consulting the forum for work-arounds.

Small batch only: PowerArchiver doesn't do well with batches of over 100 files.

Bottom Line

PowerArchiver is a powerful and fairly reliable archive, compression, and encryption program. Given its fluid development, PowerArchiver is best suited for users who need a reliable hub for compression and who like being part of the development community.

Editors' note: This is a review of the trial version of PowerArchiver 14.06.01.

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