Powerball jackpot is now at $1 billion. How can you increase your odds of winning?

After no one claimed the top prize Monday, Powerball players will have another shot to win a jackpot with an estimated value of $1 billion Wednesday night.

The jackpot has an estimated cash value of $516.8 million, but the odds of winning are 292 million to one, according to the N.C. Education Lottery.

According to Tim Chartier, a math professor at Davidson College, winning tonight’s jackpot is equivalent to flipping heads on a coin 28 times in a row.

You also have a better chance of becoming President of the United States, scoring a hole-in-one, getting struck by lightning or winning a gold medal at the Olympics than winning a lottery jackpot.

How to increase your odds of winning the jackpot

Buying more tickets can increase your odds of winning the jackpot, but not by much, according to Chartier.

However, there are ways you can better your chances of winning all of the money.

Many players choose to pick their own numbers that correspond to their favorite date, such as a birthday or anniversary, making numbers between one and 31 more common, according to Chartier. But picking random numbers can increase the odds that if you win, no one else wins.

If you decide to pick your own numbers, Chartier advises avoiding numbers that were in the last drawing, but the odds of any other ball being chosen are the same.

How much would a winner from NC take home?

The cash option for this jackpot is $516.8 million, but federal tax would cut 24%, or $124 million from the prize. An additional $67 million would be due to the IRS if you had no reduction income.

An additional $27 million would be deducted from the prize if the winner is from North Carolina, leaving them with roughly $298 million.