This Pregnancy Pillow Saved Me From Looking Like a Tired Mess the Past 8 Months

Photo credit: Amazon/John Francis
Photo credit: Amazon/John Francis

From Cosmopolitan

Photo credit: Amazon/John Francis
Photo credit: Amazon/John Francis

This is a love story between me and a pillow. But first, I'm going to be straight with you and tell you two things about pregnancy: It's both a miraculous and exhausting journey—one which I experienced so much back pain in the beginning of that I wanted to cry myself to sleep, yet I couldn't actually ever fall asleep.

At first I didn't want to give in to buying a pregnancy pillow; I'm not even sure why, I just didn't think I needed one. Instead, I'd stuff a throw pillow between my thighs (this helps keep the pressure off of your hips by separating your legs a bit), gently tucked a smaller pillow under my belly to take some of the weight off of my petite frame that wasn't (still isn't) used to carrying the equivalent of a bowling ball attached to my torso, and had my husband, Giovanni, place a pillow at my back so I wouldn't roll onto it and cut off the blood flow from the vena cava (the main vein that carries blood back to the heart from your lower body).

As you can guess, that nighttime ritual got old super fast. You can also imagine the bags that were piling up under my eyes due to zero sleep. It wasn't until I noticed how tired that I looked that I decided to do something.

So, I asked Gio to do some research (he's very helpful) and to (please) order me a pregnancy pillow—one that had the best reviews. This is the one I came home two nights later because Amazon Prime:

Friends, let me tell you, the first night I slept with my new PharMeDoc pillow (which has 4.4 out of 5 stars), which is also good for non-pregnant folks who suffer from back pain, was LIFE-CHANGING. For starters, I didn't have to build a makeshift mommy-to-be fort around myself, and I fell fast asleep, like ASAP. I also didn't wake up in the middle of the night. That alone is worth $80 and this pillow is I simply snuggled myself right into the center of it, laid my head on the curved portion up top, tucked the lower half of the "C" curve between my knees, and was in heaven.

Ever since that first sleep, wherein I spooned a giant pillow, I seriously have not had one ounce of back pain, I've slept through the night (minus to get up to pee, of course), and my under-eye bags have disappeared—oh, and I can coil this pillow up and use it to nurse my baby!—and for all of that, I could not be more grateful.

Follow Carly on Instagram.

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