How to prepare your California garden for summer in May

Q: I just finished planting my garden and have most of my weeds under control. Are there tasks I can be doing in my garden to prevent pests and other problems this summer?

A: I’m glad you’re thinking about prevention. This is one of the main pillars of Integrated Pest Management programs. Here at Shasta College, we practice IPM in our nursery and greenhouses, and it’s the basis of all advice that’s given by Master Gardeners for pest and weed control. A good IPM plan requires advanced planning for preventing pests and weeds.

We’ve had a very wet spring, so slugs and snails may be an active pest in the garden. Set out bait at the first sign of any slug damage. Signs that you may have a slug problem would be chewed leaves or entire seedlings mowed down. They may also leave a slime trail on mulch or plant leaves. Use a snail bait that is not toxic to pets, such as “Garden Safe” or “Slugo,” or bury a pan filled with stale beer at ground level in the area where you see signs of slug activity. The slugs are attracted to the yeast and will fall into the liquid and drown.

Another chewing pest that can be controlled with traps are earwigs. Set out the center of a paper towel roll, or rolled newspaper, at night around the garden and check early in the morning for earwigs. Fold up and dispose of the roll to remove pests from the garden.

If you have an orchard, now is the time to thin fruit if nature did not already do this for you. Stone fruits should be thinned just as the pit starts to harden, usually when the fruit is the size of a marble. To check to see if pits are hardening, cut one of the fruits in half with a hand pruner or knife. Peaches, plums and nectarines should be thinned so that fruits are four to six inches apart on the branch. Apples and pears should be thinned when fruit is 1/2 inch in diameter. Thin apples to about one fruit for each six inches of shoot growth.

Consider bagging apples and pears as you thin to prevent coddling moth damage to fruit; this is what causes wormy apples. According to the UC IPM site “bagging should be done about four to six weeks after bloom when the fruit is from 1/2 to one inch in diameter. Prepare No. 2 paper bags, the standard lunch bag size that measures 7.5 inches by four inches: Cut a two-inch slit in the bottom fold of each bag. Thin the fruit to one per cluster. Slip the thinned fruit through the 2-inch slit so that it forms a seal around the stem and staple the open end shut.”

Remember to fertilize all fruit trees, citrus and fruit barring shrubs with a fruit and flower fertilizer just before irrigating. Deep water all trees and shrubs before the summer heat hits. During the hot summer you should continue to deeply water trees once every couple of weeks.

Finally: Mulch, mulch, mulch! Mulching around plants not only controls weeds, but keeps plant roots cooler and helps conserve water. Be sure to leave a small circle of bare soil around the base of each plant so as not to encourage fungus growth on the stem or trunk.

The Shasta Master Gardeners Program can be reached by phone at 530-242-2219 or email The gardener office is staffed by volunteers trained by the University of California to answer gardeners' questions using information based on scientific research.

This article originally appeared on Redding Record Searchlight: How to prepare your Northern California garden for summer in May