President Joe Biden is wrong on oil production. We need to drill more of it in the US

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We need to drill more oil in the US

President Joe Biden seems intent on choking off domestic oil production. Foreign oil is transported via huge oil tankers that burn tons of fossil fuel. How is this ecologically friendly?

Pipelines provide direct transport from domestic production with minimal environmental impact and help maintain energy independence. They help keep prices down. Escalating fuel costs penalize the middle class most.

And the push for electric vehicles assumes that they will be available at a price middle-class people can afford. The average new electric car costs more than a gasoline-powered vehicle, not to mention the expense of eventually replacing the batteries.

- Charles Andrews, Fort Worth

Americans don’t tuck and run

It would behoove politicians such as Sen. Ted Cruz to crack open an actual U.S. history book every now and then. To propose that Texas might secede if things don’t go Cruz’s way is incredibly irresponsible. (Nov. 9,, “Ted Cruz tells students Texas may try to secede if ‘things become hopeless’ in the US — and jokes Joe Rogan could be state’s president”)

This country nearly killed itself over secession once, and anyone who knows the full history of the Civil War would never even entertain the idea of secession. Instead of running away from problems, we remain a part of this great nation that so many people have died for in the name of preserving it and ensuring liberty and freedoms for all its citizens.

If this is Cruz’s solution, he should not be a politician anymore.

- Lori Medina, Carrollton

There is not porn in libraries

As a school librarian and professional educator, I can attest that Texas school libraries are not buying pornography for their collections. Teachers and librarians are committed professionals who are trained to evaluate reading material and are respectful of age appropriateness.

Labeling books that deal with controversial subjects as pornography is ridiculous. If we want to educate students to think critically, to know science and history and to imagine the world experiences of others, we won’t censor books.

Parents always have the choice to limit the reading material for their own children, but they shouldn’t be able to make broad judgments on what is appropriate for others. Gov. Greg Abbott and state Rep. Matt Krause are harming education in Texas with their political rants and plans to censor books.

- Deborah Jennings, Fort Worth

Democrats, do what people want

In Wednesday’s opinion piece “Memo to Democrats: Be loud, be proud, be extraordinary,” (15A) Eugene Robinson argues that if Democrats want to continue to hold power, they can’t be meek and cautious. I agree, both in hopes of getting these beneficial policies passed for the American public’s sake and so that Democrats don’t get crushed in the midterms.

I hope that the Democrats pass bold climate action. We are running out of time to stop the impending climate crisis, and if Democrats lose control of Congress in 2022, now may be our last chance to do something.

One key policy should be a carbon tax, which has broad bipartisan support.

- Vivian Hunt, Arlington

This is all Joe Biden’s fault

Reasons for President Joe Biden’s low job approval ratings: Things are going badly in America. He said inflation is temporary, and it’s not. He said high numbers of illegal immigration were seasonal, and they’re not. He said he’d bring home all Americans from Afghanistan, and he didn’t. We have port and border crises. He shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, then asked OPEC to pump more oil. Unbelievable.

- Lucille Bida, Arlington

Quit ruining lives over pot

We must pursue legalization or decriminalization of marijuana. Recreational use of marijuana should not ruin someone’s future. People of color face disproportionate charges over the drug, too.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has proposed legislation for legalization at the federal level, which would be a huge step in the right direction for those most affected over minor acts of marijuana use or possession.

Texas is taking small steps to start the decriminalization process, but we must go further so that young people and people of color are not harmed for life by a simple mistake.

- Nicholas Hsiung, Houston