President Trump has entered “fiasco vortex” amid ongoing coronavirus outbreak: Yahoo News National Correspondent

Yahoo News National Correspondent Alexander Nazaryan discuss President Trump's hailing of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Video Transcript

- Fiasco vortex is a term that the sort of well-known crisis manager Eric Dezenhall, who works here in Washington DC, came up with. And it indicates a point when the narrative basically slips away from the subject of that narrative, in This case, of course, Trump. And at that point, there's not much a crisis manager or anyone else can do. So, essentially, Trump has the narrative, in this case the narrative that coronavirus has slipped the bounds of Trump's ability to control it. And we've seen that quite acutely in the last two weeks. I think we've actually seen it in many ways since April. But now it has really gone off the rails with his own diagnosis and everything that has followed. And, of course, that's been evident in the handling of a second stimulus package. Or I should say the lack of handling, really.
