Presque Isle State Park removes trees along Multi-Purpose Trail beside the bay

Presque Isle State Park staff has removed dead and dying trees along Presque Isle Bay, near the park entrance, to eliminate invaders and protect visitors.

Park Operations Manager Matt Greene said the majority of the trees were non-native species that had been treated with herbicide before the high-water years of 2019 and 2020. The trees were located between the bay and the park's Multi-Purpose Trail from just past the entrance to the Vista 1 parking lot.

"They were removed because they were dead or dying and were assessed as potentially hazardous to visitors on the Multi-Purpose Trail in that area," Greene said. "This means that they were within proximity of falling on a visitor on the trail or roadway."

Dead and dying trees were taken down in March 2023 for safety reasons along the Multi-Purpose Trail, at right, between the entrance to Presque Isle State Park and its Vista 1 parking lot. At left is Presque Isle Bay.
Dead and dying trees were taken down in March 2023 for safety reasons along the Multi-Purpose Trail, at right, between the entrance to Presque Isle State Park and its Vista 1 parking lot. At left is Presque Isle Bay.

Some birders were upset to see the trees come down, especially dead ones that provided cavities for certain species of birds, such as prothonotary warblers and tree swallows, said Sarah Sargent, executive director of Erie Bird Observatory. She said the tree removal by the park was good and bad.

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"I understand why they were doing it," she said.

Sargent said there were a couple pairs of prothonotary warblers that only nested in that area of the park. However, she also said that because of the high water in recent past years, there were quite a few stands of dead trees with cavities for birds elsewhere on the peninsula.

Taking down the trees also looks bad in the short term, Sargent said, but ideally will lead to natural growth in the future. She said that native plant species are, in general, better because they support insects for the birds to eat.

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Not all the trees in that area of the park were cleared but evidence of those that were cut remained along the inbound road beside the bay. Water levels have receded there among the trees from the recent high years and it is just one area of the park where officials have sought to remove invasive plants and replace them with native species. Greene said there has been and will continue to be replanting in that area.

Dead and dying trees were taken down in March 2023 for safety reasons between the entrance to Presque Isle State Park and its Vista 1 parking lot. The trees, mostly non-native species, were between the park's Multi-Purpose Trail and Presque Isle Bay.
Dead and dying trees were taken down in March 2023 for safety reasons between the entrance to Presque Isle State Park and its Vista 1 parking lot. The trees, mostly non-native species, were between the park's Multi-Purpose Trail and Presque Isle Bay.

He said park staff continually evaluate areas of the peninsula for trees that need to be taken down for safety reasons and removal is done as needed.

Greene said that when such safety work is done, the staff tries to minimally affect the peninsula environment. He said officials strive for balance between infrastructure for human visitors and the natural and ecologically protected areas.

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"Any time a tree is removed it has an effect on habitat," Greene said. "In state parks, we have to balance ecological protection with recreational activity. In this area (of Presque Isle), due to the proximity to the Multi-Purpose Trail and roadway, we had to take out specific dead trees there. We selectively took out only the trees that had the potential to impact the trail and roadway.

"It is not our policy to remove dead trees just because they are dead," he said. " We only remove them when there is a potential safety hazard, like in this case."

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Dana Massing can be reached at

This article originally appeared on Erie Times-News: Presque Isle State Park removes trees along Multi-Purpose Trail, bay