Press-Citizen editorial board: Elected leaders should do more for suicide prevention

It is becoming increasingly clear that suicides and thoughts of suicide, especially among students, is an important concern within our community. We’ve seen as many students in Johnson County die by suicide in the past two years as in the previous six combined, with many more reporting they have had thoughts of suicide.

When someone dies by suicide, as with any cause of death, the loss is felt far and near. The ripples of loss spread from close family and friends to community members, acquaintances and beyond. All of those exposed to the loss will experience different levels of grief and trauma.

Mental health disorders and substance use disorders are the most significant risk factors for suicidal behaviors. In addition, environmental factors, such as stressful life events and access to firearms or drugs, may increase the risk of suicide. Previous suicide attempts and a family history of suicide are also important risk factors.

Suicide is the 10th-leading cause of death in the United States, according to 2019 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It's the third-leading cause of death for adolescents ages 15-19 globally, according to the World Health Organization.

As of 2021 data, about 42% of adults in Iowa reported symptoms of anxiety or depression, according to the NAMI. About one in four were unable to get needed counseling or therapy, often due to cost or lack of resources in their community.

About 16% of youth in Iowa (aged 12–17) were diagnosed with a mental health disorder between 2016 and 2019. Around half were receiving care for depression.

This clearly needs to be addressed, as students with depression are twice as likely to drop out of high school than their peers, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Additionally, seven in 10 youth in the juvenile justice system, and two of five adults in prison, have have mental health disorders or a history of mental illness.

Iowa’s mental health care is in crisis and all of us are at risk.

We must face this ongoing challenge, and we call on our elected leaders to ensure that every Iowan has access to needed mental health resources through adequate budgeting, universal access and affordable care across the state.

There are several strategies available to reduce/prevent suicide including:

The Suicide Prevention Resource Center has detailed resources for implementing effective suicide prevention in schools and universities, emergency departments and other organizations that serve populations at risk for suicide.

Additionally, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK, or 1-800-273-8255) is available around the clock for support and resources.

Many renowned artists and creative geniuses suffered from mental illness, such as Emily Dickinson. These excerpts from her 19th-century poem, "The Soul has Bandaged Moments," provides an inside look at Dickinson’s struggle with depression:

The Soul has Bandaged moments -

When too appalled to stir -

She feels some ghastly Fright come up

And stop to look at her -

Salute her, with long fingers -

Caress her freezing hair -

Sip, Goblin, from the very lips

The Lover - hovered - o'er -

Unworthy, that a thought so mean

Accost a Theme - so - fair –

Throughout, it portrays a struggle between her soul and the "fright," as her soul experiences fleeting moments of freedom and capture. Dickinson’s poem helps us understand the internal battle many of us must fight on a daily basis.

We all need to educate ourselves on the warning signs of a loved one contemplating suicide and how best to intervene early to provide care and support. We need to continue raising awareness of mental illness and stop the ongoing associated stigma.

The mind is just one body organ that can also get sick just like any other. Too many young Iowans, too many Iowans in general, have had a life interrupted by the tragic suicide of a loved one.

The Iowa City Press-Citizen Editorial Board is a volunteer group of readers who meet weekly. They are Venise Berry, Dave Bright, Shams Ghoneim, Robert Goodfellow, Kylah Hedding, Jon Humston and John Macatee.

This article originally appeared on Iowa City Press-Citizen: Editorial board: Suicide prevention should be a priority in Iowa