Preston Roberts From ‘Mountain Men’ Loses His Battle With Cancer

Eustace Conway and Preston Roberts from History series Mountain Men
Eustace Conway and Preston Roberts from History series Mountain Men

Eustace Conway posted to his Facebook page that due to complications from an inoperable liver tumor, Preston Roberts died at 3:30 p.m. ET on Monday, July 24, 2017. Preston has been Eustace’s right-hand man and friend for several years as they worked together on Turtle Preserve Island, which is located in Triplett, North Carolina.

Roberts and Conway built the preserve on a 1,000-acre site, and it has been a vibrant, working outdoor education camp for about 30 years. Currently, Girls Camp is in session at Turtle Island, and Eustace asked that everyone “please be sensitive to that fact while we all work through this painful transition.”

“In the wake of this unexpected tragedy, hundreds of bereaved among his Turtle Island family will gather soon to celebrate the legacy of a life lost too soon. The loss and sadness we feel is indescribable.”

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