What is the procedure to request a low-number license plate? | Ask the DMV

Q: I recently heard that it is possible to request a low-number license plate (not a vanity plate) to replace an existing number. If that's true, what is the procedure?

— L. Land, Newport

A: Low-number license plates usually refer to the Governor’s preferred plates. Those plates are defined as passenger plates with one letter with one to three digits; two letters with one to two digits; and one to four digits (1-9999).

Commercial, combination, motorcycle Governor’s plates are one to four digits (1-9999) and antique plates (1-2000); suburban and veteran plates with one to three digits (1-999); and National Guard and public plates with one to two digits (1-99). All other registrations and plate types fall under the control of the DMV.

There is a whole section on preferred plates on our website (www.dmv.ri.gov). It can be found in the “Registration, Plates & Titles” tab and then in the “License Plates” section. You can contact the Office of Governor, State House Room 144, 82 Smith St., Providence, RI 0290, phone: (401) 222-2080; fax: (401) 222-8096; email: preferredplates@governor.ri.gov.

Q: My friend needs a replacement handicapped placard, since his current one is falling apart. He is not physically able to stand in line at the DMV and can’t send it in for a new one because he cannot be without it. What can he do?

— Cathy L.

A: Your friend needs to fill out the “Affidavit For Lost Parking Placard.” The Disability Placard office uses this same form for damaged placards that need replacement.

This form can be found on our website (www.dmv.ri.gov) in the “Forms” tab and in the “Disability Forms” section.

RI residents who have disability placard issued do not need a reservation at the Cranston DMV to receive assistance.
RI residents who have disability placard issued do not need a reservation at the Cranston DMV to receive assistance.

If your friend does not have a computer or printer, please let me know and I’ll mail him an affidavit.

Once completed, this affidavit can be mailed to the Cranston DMV (address is on top of the form), it can be placed in the drop box at any DMV branch (drop box hours are the same as the branch hours), or it can be hand-delivered to the Cranston DMV.

Rhode Island residents who have Disability Placard issues (application for new placard, placard renewals, lost or damaged placards) do not need a reservation at the Cranston DMV to receive assistance. Just inform the security guards at the door that you have a disability placard and they will let you in to see the supervisor.

Chuck Hollis
Chuck Hollis

Chuck Hollis is assistant administrator of the Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles. Please email your questions to cars@providencejournal.com with “Ask the DMV” in the subject field.

This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: Ask the RI DMV: What is the procedure to request a low number license plate?