A professor gave perfect grades to students who didn't deserve them, then landed a job at another UW campus

UW-Parkside campus
UW-Parkside campus

Casey Warning logged into his University of Wisconsin-Parkside student account last summer and noticed something odd. His transcript showed he had completed his business law and ethics course and earned the highest grade — except he hadn't yet turned in any work for the class.

Warning alerted his professor to the error, according to emails reviewed by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Then in the fall, he noticed the wrong grade still showed up on his transcript.

"I am confused, why are these grading issues yet again (happening)?" he wrote in an email to business college leaders. "My moral and ethical compass doesn't allow me to take credit for things that I have not done."

Warning didn't know it at the time, but the grading errors he flagged set off an extensive investigation, records obtained by the Journal Sentinel show. The university's business department concluded one of its tenured professors, Sahar Bahmani, had "engaged in fraudulent grading" from 2016 through 2022, including after Warning emailed her about his grades.

The department found Bahmani awarded the highest possible grade to most students she taught in an online degree program, even when they turned in partial work or no work at all. In addition, the department alleged while she served as director of the online program, she assigned herself to 11 courses in disciplines she wasn't academically qualified to teach, abusing her power for financial gain.

Sahar Bahmani
Sahar Bahmani

Bahmani, who declined an interview request, blamed medical issues for the grading errors. She wouldn't elaborate on the nature of her condition and declined to provide documentation from her doctor. She also said her actions didn't amount to "grade fraud."

"I did not do any of this intentionally and the term fraud has the element of intent," she wrote in response to written questions. "Doctors know and documented it was not in my control at all."

The department found no pattern of grading errors in the courses Bahmani taught under the traditional grading system. Still, the department feared her grading errors in the online program would damage the business school's reputation, jeopardize its accreditation and threaten the integrity of the entire institution.

"By falsifying grades, Dr. Bahmani has exposed us all to the real possibility that people in the community will begin questioning whether any UW-Parkside degree is legitimate," the department concluded in a complaint sent to Chancellor Deborah Ford last November.

Professor landed job at UW-Milwaukee

A complaint is the first step in the UW-Parkside faculty disciplinary process. The chancellor would then investigate and offer to discuss the allegations informally with the accused professor before deciding how to proceed.

No investigation ensued in this case because Bahmani "accepted the complaint allegations as true" and offered to resign at the end of the school year, according to university records. Bahmani remained on the university's payroll for another six months and taught at least two courses in the spring 2023 semester.

The process to fire a tenured professor typically takes at least a year so "the negotiated resolution achieved separation well earlier than that," UW System spokesperson Mark Pitsch said.

But Bahmani's teaching career didn't end there. She taught at UW-Milwaukee this summer. UWM also offered her a one-year, $125,000 non-faculty teaching position for this school year.

UWM knew nothing about the UW-Parkside investigation at the time of its June offer and would not have extended it had the university known, Pitsch said. Bahmani resigned from the UWM position in early August, three weeks after the Journal Sentinel requested records on the case.

It's likely at least one person from UW-Parkside vouched for Bahmani because the job posting asked for one reference to be a direct supervisor within the past five years. But it's unclear who did. UWM declined to provide the reference letters Bahmani included in her application, citing an exemption in the state public records law.

Bahmani declined to say who her references were, why she resigned from the UWM job and whether she plans to seek a teaching position in the future or is leaving academia for good. She said Ford told her half the department complaint was "meritless" and agreed to keep Bahmani's personnel file "clean."

The complaint wasn't included in Bahmani's employee file but obtained by the Journal Sentinel through a separate request.

Ford, who left UW-Parkside earlier this year and started as chancellor at Indiana University Southeast in July, declined to comment. She, UW-Parkside and UW-Milwaukee referred questions to the UW System.

The UW System declined to make UW-Parkside administrators available for an interview. Pitsch said UW-Parkside has established stricter oversight practices for the online program in which Bahmani taught. He also said UW System anticipates updating its hiring policies by the end of 2023 to minimize the chances of other UW System universities hiring employees who engage in misconduct.

"The actions of Dr. Sahar Bahmani do not reflect the values or ethical practices of UW-Parkside, its Business Department, or the UW System," he said in a statement. "When a faculty committee presented its findings, the university secured Dr. Bahmani’s resignation."

Bahmani said she never accepted the complaint's allegations as true. She said business college leaders should have supervised her more closely to catch the errors.

Despite UW-Parkside later confirming the department's allegations of fraudulent grading were "substantially accurate," Bahmani described her department as hostile and out to get her with an unfair, biased investigation.

Her former department had a different take.

“There is no other way to put this: Bahmani has basically been running a scam operation, defrauding students of their tuition without providing any learning in return,” a professor on the department's executive committee said in the complaint. “The sheer contempt and disregard by Bahmani for her chosen profession of teaching is truly breathtaking."

Grade problems occurred in UW-Parkside's online Flex degree program

Bahmani's grading errors involved the Flex program, a competency-based online degree program geared toward working adults.

Students work at their own pace and take as many courses they want during a 12-week subscription period for a flat $2,250 fee. Instead of letter grades, they can pass the course (the equivalent of a B grade), pass with high distinction (the equivalent of an A grade), or fail with the option to retake.

UW-Parkside data show nearly half of Flex students fail on their first try, requiring them to re-take in another subscription period. Instructors are paid based on the number of students enrolled in the course per month.

Just 18 students have graduated from 2019 through 2022, including at least one student who took Bahmani’s course without submitting all required assignments, the complaint said.

Bahmani painted a chaotic picture of the Flex program, with few faculty covering too many courses and students learning by watching YouTube videos. The UW System denied this.

The program was a perfect fit for Warning, the student who unknowingly alerted UW-Parkside to the problem. The 36-year-old juggles a full-time job and family with his bachelor of business administration coursework. He's been happy with the program's quality but disappointed to learn of Bahmani's actions.

"In a college setting, no matter how big or small, a professor who is in charge of teaching students about law and ethics is engaging in this?" he told the Journal Sentinel. "It’s awful. It’s disgusting. I hate everything about it."

Sahar Bahmani taught Flex classes for years and even led program as director

Born and raised in Milwaukee, Bahmani earned her undergraduate economics degree from UW-Madison and her doctorate in economics from UW-Milwaukee. She joined UW-Parkside in 2011.

By 2021-22, Bahmani was the university's second highest paid professor, earning $185,000, according to UW System salary records. That included a $30,000 stipend for serving as director of the Flex program and more than $30,000 for teaching 14 Flex courses, including 11 the complaint said were beyond her subject expertise.

Bahmani said in a written statement she agreed to a one-year term as interim director because she is a "people pleaser" who was promised support in the role — but didn't receive it. As for the extra classes, she said a professor resigned just before a subscription period began in summer 2022, and it was difficult to find substitutes on such short notice with faculty contracts ending in May.

Emails, however, show the professor in question didn't resign from the Flex program, and Bahmani suggested she could assign someone else if he wanted a break. He simply took her up on the offer.

Review finds high percentage of perfect grades in Sahar Bahmani's classes

The department report said Bahmani awarded the highest grade to all 75 students enrolled in three of her courses between September 2021 and August 2022. That's despite 18 students submitting partial or no work.

Officials studied the 296 assignments students turned in for those classes and found 295 of them received 100% scores, even on quizzes with incorrect answers.

For 10 other Flex courses taught over the same time period by multiple instructors including Bahmani, Bahmani awarded the highest grade to 85% of her students while others did for 41% of students.

Confronted with the grading irregularities last October, Bahmani offered explanations the complaint characterized as evasive, inconsistent and, in some cases, blatantly false.

Bahmani said a UW System employee who led online education programming appreciated that she graded easy, a comment the employee denied making.

She also said she was confused with the online grading system, believing the computer would automatically remove students not submitting assignments from the course. Her colleagues were skeptical of the explanation because she had used the online system for many years without raising questions.

A few days after meeting with the department, Bahmani resigned from the Flex program, citing medical issues. She didn't resign from her in-person classes, which she said was because she was still under contract to teach them.

UW-Parkside received no student complaints about Bahmani in her final semester of teaching, the UW System said. Both UW-Parkside and UWM are reviewing her grades in other courses.

Accrediting agency asked UW-Parkside about case

Accreditation certifies that a program offers a curriculum and teaching that meets educational standards. Losing accreditation can make it more difficult for students to find jobs — and for universities to enroll students.

The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, the accrediting body for UW-Parkside's business school, received a complaint about Bahmani and sent a "letter of concern" in June.

In an Aug. 1 report to accreditors, UW-Parkside admitted there was little oversight of the program but outlined corrective measures, such as more individuals involved in course assignments and quarterly report reviews.

The accrediting body did not revoke accreditation. It said in a statement it "takes matters like this seriously. We sent a letter of concern to the school and quickly received a reply and are satisfied with their response."

Some students can retake class if they want

The business department estimates Bahmani's grading practices cost UW-Parkside $202,500 in lost tuition revenue from students who didn't pass courses and should have had to re-enroll — about 28 students, the UW System estimates.

The department recommended a free subscription period to 270 students who took at least one course with Bahmani, which would have cost $274,500. Instead, UW-Parkside plans to offer the 28 students a free voluntary retake option, said Pitsch, the UW System spokesperson.

Warning, the student who accidentally instigated the investigation, is still working toward his Flex degree and happy to hear the university will be more transparent with students about the situation. But he's disappointed Bahmani's actions went unnoticed for so long.

"It's important to understand the credibility of the institution you're attending," he said. "Because that name is going to follow you for the rest of your life, on your resumes and on LinkedIn."

Contact Kelly Meyerhofer at kmeyerhofer@gannett.com. Follow her on Twitter at @KellyMeyerhofer.

This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: UW-Parkside investigated professor Sahar Bahmani for grade fraud