Progress 2024: JARI is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024

SOMERSET ― JARI is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024. The Johnstown Area Regional Industries (JARI), a nonprofit economic development organization that has been a devoted partner of the business community in Cambria and Somerset counties, was launched in 1974.

No matter what business you are in, JARI can help establish and grow your company in today's global economy. JARI offers an experienced team to help companies of all sizes, from start-ups to long-time businesses, in their business development as leaders in economic and workforce development. JARI provides value-added services and connections to the right people in government, commercial lending, equity investing, real estate and other regional, state and federal economic development groups.

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"JARI works with the entrepreneurial coaches in both Somerset and Cambria counties to begin discussions with new or growing entrepreneurs," said Linda Thomson, president and CEO of JARI. "Once the coach does an assessment of needs, JARI’s small business team and the coach work together to meet the specific needs of the company."

For larger, established companies who need assistance with expansion or workforce development, contact JARI at 814-535-8675, she added.

What can JARI do to help?

Services JARI provides includes: workforce development, government contracting support, small business loans/technical assistance, site selection, financing and grant work, marketing, retention of existing businesses, and support rapid response team when there is a layoff.

In Somerset County, JARI’s Apex Accelerator team (government procurement assistance to small/medium companies) assisted 51 companies in 2023 alone. The group supported company small business certifications.

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JARI in Somerset County

The Somerset County JARI office opened at Uptown Works, 109 E. Main St., Somerset, in late 2022

A Somerset entrepreneurial coach, Matt Reckner, works out of that JARI office, and may be reached at

There were 18 new start-up businesses in Somerset County that were assisted by the county’s entrepreneurial coach with some technical and financing assistance from JARI. JARI became a certified economic development provider for Somerset County, allowing the group to administer and apply for the state's Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) funds and state financing programs.

"There is no charge for our services. However, if we finance a company, loan repayment and some fees may apply," said Thomson. "We meet people at their place of business, at Uptown Works or a mutually agreed upon location."

Some extra events JARI has provided for Somerset County is hosting an Entrepreneur Day in May and an Entrepreneur Week in November, with a “Meet the JARI Small Business Team Day.” JARI provides an Entrepreneur Enrichment Series held at Indian Lake Lodge and hosted a broadband public meeting with Somerset County Commissioners and Pennsylvania state Rep. Carl Metzgar.

For those who want to start or grow a business, break into new markets, improve efficiency, and/or advance the capabilities of their employees, contact JARI at 814-535-8675.

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"Upon contacting our team, a business owner should expect a meeting date/time to be established, a review of their specific situation, and follow up as needed," Thomson said. "Many of our small business clients are routinely in touch with us."

What is JARI?

JARI employs 12 full time staff members and operates on a $3.5 million annual budget.

Over the years, JARI has conducted tours of manufacturers for school students, held an SCI Somerset Resource Fair, Cambria/Somerset Job Fair, and entrepreneurial enrichment workshop. It has provided more than 2,000 hours of technical assistance provided to 144 unique clients in Somerset County, and given loans to small business clients.

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JARI members routinely meet with Governor's Action Team and DCED officials, including the Office of International Business Development, to market Somerset County business parks and investment opportunities. JARI also represents Somerset County on several activities, committees, attending conferences and coalitions.

NAP tax credit program

JARI has a Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credit Program (NAP) for 2023-2024. Administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, NAP provides dedicated businesses with a 55% tax credit for their contributions to community-based improvements to promote community participation and collaborations among nonprofits, businesses, and residents while producing outcomes which assist distressed areas or low-income populations.

The program will enable participants to acquire the skills needed to obtain employment in jobs that pay a family-sustaining wage.

"This generous contribution enables us to amplify our efforts in addressing the unique challenges faced by our communities,” said Thomson. “We are dedicated to utilizing this funding to create sustainable and transformative solutions that will benefit residents for years to come."

For more information on NAP, contact Dave Grimaldi, JARI director of workforce development, at 814-535-8675 or via email at

This article originally appeared on The Daily American: Progress 2024: JARI is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024