How prohibitionist forces shut down Knoxville bars in the early 20th century | Booker

By Robert J. Booker It has been interesting to observe how Knoxville voters have changed their attitudes toward the sale of whiskey during the past 115 years. When city residents voted 4,174 to 2,245 close the 113 saloons here Mar. 11, 1907, those who wanted to keep them open cried that the city, county and state would lose $84,750 in tax revenue. But voters turned a deaf ear.

Fifty-four years later when there was a referendum to legalize liquor stores in Knoxville in 1961, the argument for allowing them was to help boost ticket sales at the new Civic Coliseum. While church leaders and bootleggers were opposed to opening the stores, civic leaders said the city could not attract large crowds for events unless liquor stores supplied their needs. Voters approved the establishment of 51 liquor stores in the city.

Ten years later with the opening of the new Hyatt Regency Hotel, the idea of selling liquor by the drink was espoused. It was said that large conventions would not patronize the hotel and other venues unless Knoxville sold liquor by the drink. That argument too was approved by the voters along with the extension of beer sale hours.

'Red-light' district was center of alcohol activity

Almost two years before prohibition came to the city, The Knoxville Journal of Dec. 24, 1905, gave a report on the saloon business: "With the growth of Knoxville, the saloon business has grown. Two years ago, the number of them here was seventy-eight and today there are ninety-eight. No saloon exists in Knox County outside the city. The privilege tax paid by them is about $68,000 per year, state, county, and city.

"The largest growth of the saloon has been along Central Street in the so-called red-light district. One of the singular facts is that there is a growth of saloons, there are about the same number of churches and schools. The saloons have increased with the population. The churches have not increased in number, nor have the schools. The block on Central Street between Vine and Jackson is the banner one of the city when it comes to saloons," said the J&T.

But two years later the majority of 6,419 voters were fed up with saloons and got rid of them. The J&T of Mar. 12, 1907, reported: "The followers of temperance swept the city of Knoxville in Monday's election carrying by decisive majorities in every ward in the city except the fifth and the south seventh."

The vote against saloons affected all of Tennessee's largest cities

The vote came after 10,000 men, women, and children had marched through the streets carrying flags and banners of all kinds denouncing the sale of liquor. It was a "landslide" vote against saloons even though civic leaders said it would leave 110 buildings empty, the school fund would be $18,230 smaller, and government entities would lose $84,750.

Robert J. Booker on March 1, 2010
Robert J. Booker on March 1, 2010

The Anti-Saloon League argued there would be a saving in court costs, greater general prosperity, and the removal of temptation of young men to visit saloons.

That fatal vote against saloons had been some years in the making. There had been at least two other efforts in 1887 and 1892, but that state-wide vote of 1907 also closed saloons in Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga, and LaFollette. Patrons rushed to buy pints, quarts, and gallons of booze and stored them away as the bars closed.

Robert J. Booker is a freelance writer and former executive director of the Beck Cultural Exchange Center. He may be reached at 865-546-1576.

This article originally appeared on Knoxville News Sentinel: How prohibitionist forces shut down Knoxville bars in the 20th century