‘Project Spider’ could spin new jobs and millions in investment for Lancaster County

Lancaster County has a decision to make on a new business that could invest $6.9 million and add 167 new jobs.

An unnamed company listed as Project Spider requests tax incentive credits from county government. A state incentive package of about $9 million in a decade span would include job development and job tax credits, plus a headquarters tax credit.

The county would offer a 30% special source revenue credit for the first 10 years. Lancaster County Council has two votes related to Project Spider on its agenda Monday. One would require two more votes at later meetings to finalize.

The potential agreements give some details on the project. The investment and new job figures would come in a five-year span. The requirements of the company, to get tax incentives, are smaller than what it proposes. Actual requirements are an investment of $6 million and creation of 125 new full-time jobs.

The project involves a North Carolina company in the transportation industry that would consolidate two corporate offices into one Lancaster County site. Project Spider is a privately owned company in business since the 1970s in the Southeast.

The company would buy an office building in Indian Land for $6 million and upgrade it within five years with another $900,000 of investment, per county documents.

Pending council votes the deal with Lancaster County would be finalized, and the company name revealed, on May 22.