Property rezoning, mow-to-own and homeless shelter topics at city council meeting

The Jackson City Council addressed on Tuesday a number of hot-button issues  after voting to lower property taxes, including rezoning property on Epperson Drive, implementing a mow-to-own program and moving forward with the long-awaited men’s homeless shelter.

Rezoning of contentious property passes—barely

A rezoning request for land on Epperson Drive was approved on second reading at Tuesday’s meeting, much to the dismay of a number of residents and city council members.

Last month, a massive turnout was seen at city council from North Jackson residents regarding a rezoning request for land at Epperson Drive.

Read this: North Jackson residents concerned over Epperson Dr. housing development, traffic

Related: City men's homeless shelter changes prospective location

The request, which concerns an 18.5-acre plot of land which has been planned as a single-family subdivision since 2001, drew public ire due to the lack of appropriate access points.

At last month’s meeting, Steve Neil, of Rockfoot Drive, presented a map to the council on behalf of the area’s homeowners association and explained the concerns of residents.

“We want our city to use responsible planning for the residents of our city and any future Jackson development,” he said.

Neil explained that a second access point was desperately needed, as the single access point currently being eyed —a looping path off of Old Humboldt Road, through Northpointe and Hanover Drive— made timely access to the recess of the proposed subdivisions impossible for first responders, and would likely overload the current residential streets that were not made for such traffic.

Kenny Sutherland, one of the developers on the project, explained that they were not against a second access point, but the point at which residents want it built is simply not feasible.

Concerned resident Steve Neil, of Rockfoot Drive (far left),  describes his worries for the traffic in the neighborhood as the Jackson City Planning Director, Steve Pilant (middle) looks on.
Concerned resident Steve Neil, of Rockfoot Drive (far left), describes his worries for the traffic in the neighborhood as the Jackson City Planning Director, Steve Pilant (middle) looks on.

“A blue-line stream runs right beside (the proposed access point),” he said. “It makes no sense to build a road there because we could only develop on one side.”

The presence of a blue-line stream—which is a federally protected water line to help reduce area flooding—means developers cannot build within 60 feet of either side of the stream, therefore limiting the developer’s plans to one side of the stream.

At Tuesday’s passage of the rezoning, councilmembers Ross Priddy, Paul Taylor and Marda Wallace voted against the issue, with Gary Pickens later asking if he could change his vote.

The motion still passed.

Gary Pickens later expressed his concerns for the residents and explained why he asked to change his vote.

“I remembered some of the comments from the homeowners and some of their concerns—my yes vote was my mistake,” he said. “In reality, this still needs to go to the planning commission, so there’s still a chance for these issues to be ironed out.”

The rezoning will only allow the subdivision to change from Single Family Residential (RS) to Single Family Residential 1, with the only difference essentially being the size of the lots allowed on the property.

The design plans for the subdivision itself will still need to be passed by the planning commission at a later date.

Previously: Late property tax reappraisal leads to lower taxes, big shortfall in paving project

From last month: Jackson council approves higher salary for employees, new downtown director

Men’s homeless shelter takes step forward—finally

The long-awaited men’s homeless shelter, called “a long-time coming” by Conger, has finally moved to the design phase after numerous setbacks.

The project, originally proposed last year, was delayed a number of times due to funding issues.

The city originally had its eyes on a property at 236 Airways Blvd., which was chosen "due to its size and central location to other services," but was later nixed in favor of building a new facility.

The push for a men’s shelter came after a man who was homeless was found dead in downtown Jackson in 2020, prompting city officials to address the growing issue.

Issues of COVID-19 housing regulations put added pressure on the design of the facility.

However, Tuesday’s meeting saw the shelter finally move to the design-build phase, with the contract being awarded to TLM Associates.

“It’s about time!” Conger said. “Now we have a design build and so that will go through the process—the money has already been allocated, so we’ll get the contractor started on their process of designing and building the shelter.”

The shelter will not be open in time for winter, Conger says, but he hopes it could be open within the next 18 months.

“But that all depends on supply, labor and things like that,” he said. “But fingers crossed.”

Surplus property policy changes

The city also approved a new policy regarding surplus property owned by the city, opening the door for the “mow-to-own” program.

"You are not king," says Billy Moore (right), as he points at Mayor Scott Conger while being removed during public comment, after arguing about a proposed surplus property policy during a city council meeting on August 2, 2022, in Jackson, TN.
"You are not king," says Billy Moore (right), as he points at Mayor Scott Conger while being removed during public comment, after arguing about a proposed surplus property policy during a city council meeting on August 2, 2022, in Jackson, TN.

This program, which was inspired by Jackson’s sister-city Monroe, Louisiana, allows city residents whose property adjoins city-owned property to care for the property for a year and subsequently claim it as their own.

“We're trying to clean up (the policy),” said Conger.

“One interesting thing I love about this policy is the mow-to-own: so if you get one of those city-owned properties that's adjacent to an owner’s property, and they want to take care of the city-owned property, mow it for a year and we’ll do some inspections—after an application process, that property becomes theirs.”

This article originally appeared on Jackson Sun: Jackson City Council: Property rezoning and homeless shelter discussed