Proposed Missouri rule would restrict minors' access to 'age-appropriate' materials in state libraries

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Libraries receiving state funds in Missouri would be required to determine what material is "age-appropriate" and restrict minors from accessing some books under a proposed rule submitted by the secretary of state Monday.

The proposed rule, submitted by Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, would also allow parents to challenge a library's "age-appropriate" designation, and ban state funds from being used to "purchase or acquire materials in any form that appeal to the prurient interest of any minor." Libraries that receive state funds could see them cut off if they violate the proposed rule.

"When state dollars are involved, we want to bring back local control and parental involvement in determining what children are exposed to," Ashcroft, a Republican, said in a statement. "Foremost, we want to protect our children."

After the rule is formally published in the state register on Nov. 15, residents will be able to submit public comment on it for 30 days. Ashcroft cited state laws that gives his office authority for rulemaking over library funds when he filed the rule.

Under the rule, libraries will have to adopt a "written, publicly-accessible" policy determining "how selections are made in considering the appropriateness for the age and maturity level of any minor ... who accesses any material in any form." That policy will also allow parents and guardians to know what materials are available, and bans library employees from allowing minors to access those materials without a parent or guardian's permission.

More:Nixa High School restricts access to 10 books including Toni Morrison's 'The Bluest Eye'

Materials that are deemed "age-inappropriate' by a library should not be be "knowingly displayed" in areas of the library designated primarily for minors, according to the rule, and events or presentations are required to have an "age-appropriate designation" on any advertisements or marketing materials.

Any challenges made by parents to a library's designation of materials "shall be disclosed to the public and published on the library's website." Libraries must submit copies of their policies to the state librarian, as well as any future revisions to their policies.

"Supporting the efforts of libraries across our state has been a priority of mine since day one — we have been able to provide millions of dollars to libraries through grants and other funding," Ashcroft, who is widely considered a potential candidate for governor in 2024, said in a statement. "Yes, we want to make sure libraries have the resources and materials they need for their constituents, but we also want our children to be 'children' a little longer than a pervasive culture many often dictate."

In an interview on 93.3 KWTO on Monday evening, Ashcroft said the rule was designed to "put the power back in the hands of parents and not use our children as test subjects by individuals that might want to give them material they shouldn't have."

Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and Wolfner Talking Book and Braille Library Director Leslie Bowman discuss duplication-on-demand technology announced April 21, 2021 that will speed delivery of digital audiobook cartridges to the 8,000 Missourians living with visual impairments who use the statewide library.
Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and Wolfner Talking Book and Braille Library Director Leslie Bowman discuss duplication-on-demand technology announced April 21, 2021 that will speed delivery of digital audiobook cartridges to the 8,000 Missourians living with visual impairments who use the statewide library.

Ashcroft's proposal marks the latest attempt by elected officials in Missouri to restrict children's access to certain books and materials. A new state law passed this year includes language restricting "explicit sexual material" from schools, prompting librarians in some districts to pull books from shelves and review them so as to avoid possible criminal charges.

Ashcroft said he would also be "reaching out to legislators" and aim to codify the proposed rule into state law in the future. A number of bills aimed at putting restrictions on curriculum about race, history and other subjects in schools were proposed last session but failed to reach the governor's desk.

More:Missouri lawmakers proposed numerous bills targeting critical race theory. Why did none of them pass?

Other districts' school boards have restricted books after complaints from parents and community members, part of an uptick in book challenges and bans nationally; Nixa Public Schools in Christian County restricted 10 books, including Toni Morrison's "The Bluest Eye" and "The Perks of Being a Wallflower," in September. The most frequent targets of book challenges nationally have been those featuring themes of race and gender, including those written by LGBTQ+ authors or authors of color.

The president of LGBTQ+ advocacy group PFLAG Springfield, Aaron Schekorra, said Tuesday he was concerned the rule could mirror those efforts and could be used to justify restricting literature written by or featuring LGBTQ+ characters and relationships — even if there wasn't necessarily explicit sexual content involved.

"A lot of the times this definition of sexual content or age-appropriate content is pretty broadly applied to just discussions or mentions of sexual orientation or gender identity," Schekorra said. "Because there's always been a constant effort to try and sexualize people's identities when it's not remotely about sexuality and sexual actions. It's about identities, it's about relationships and love."

"It is very within the realm of possibility that some individuals will use this very vague language and this policy to try and get those materials restricted," Schekorra said.

Ashcroft said on the radio interview the intent of the rule was "not banning books entirely," but to leave restrictions at the discretion of local communities.

"My sense is that what is appropriate and what is not appropriate depends on the individual," Ashcroft said. "What may be appropriate for you or some other adults to have is very different than what is appropriate for a child, and what is considered appropriate for a subset of individuals in one area of the state is different than another area of the state."

In Missouri's current state budget, around $6.6 million in state dollars are allocated to the Secretary of State's office to aid public libraries — including $3.3 million for "networking grants and other grants and donations," and $3.3 million to offset the money removed from the "Library Networking Fund" sending that grant and donation money.

It's not immediately clear how many libraries could be financially impacted by the proposed rule, and to what extent. Springfield-Greene County Library District's executive director, Regina Greer-Cooper, said Tuesday morning that "about 90 percent" of the district's funding came from local revenue streams and taxes; state dollars account for a "small percent" of its budget, and was mostly consist of grants for technology, internet access and other requests.

Libraries throughout the state also saw a flow of federal dollars under the budget through the American Rescue Plan Act: Springfield-Greene County Library District is receiving $6 million for maintenance and improvements, and Republic is getting $4.5 million for planning, design, maintenance and construction for a branch library.

Springfield-Greene County library already has policies in place

Many of the measures included in the new state rule are already followed by the Springfield-Greene County Library District, Greer-Cooper said.

The district, which has branches in Springfield, Fair Grove, Ash Grove, Republic and Willard, currently has a "material selection policy" in place, and places certain materials in "areas of the library that are age-appropriate." They are not explicitly labeled as such, Greer-Cooper said, but their call numbers and on-site locations follow that policy.

"We have professionally-trained librarians who know what's age-appropriate, and then it's the responsibility of the parents to decide what their children are going to check out," she said. "It would be very difficult for a librarian, and I don't think the burden should fall on librarians, to say that you can't check out certain materials. That would be very problematic."

The Springfield-Greene County district also has a material challenge process already in place: a committee of librarians reviews a challenge brought by a community member and refers it to Greer-Cooper, who then sends a letter with the result to the challenger. She said it was a process designed to "serve everybody, as every family has a slightly different philosophy about how they want to raise their family," and conceded that as written, the state's proposed rule is at times "hard to interpret."

Galen Bacharier covers Missouri politics & government for the News-Leader. Contact him at, (573) 219-7440 or on Twitter @galenbacharier.

This article originally appeared on Springfield News-Leader: Proposed rule would restrict 'age-appropriate' books in MO libraries