To protect society, Israel must root out, destroy Hamas

Protesters express support for Israel at a pro-Palestinian rally in San Francisco on Oct. 8, the day after Hamas launched a brutal attack on Israel.
Protesters express support for Israel at a pro-Palestinian rally in San Francisco on Oct. 8, the day after Hamas launched a brutal attack on Israel.

Nothing could justify savage attack

When a civilized society comes face to face with a rabid, savage, life-threatening animal, it is the consensus of all civilized societies to destroy such a dangerous and vicious animal in order to protect said civilized societies.

Remember that clear fact before the truth gets muddled or justified by cries of apartheid, colonization, oppression and other bogus claims.

The depravity displayed by the unprovoked Hamas raids into Israel gives new dimension to the definition of evil.

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Hamas is not Palestine. Palestinians are people. Hamas and Hezbollah are savage terrorists without a semblance of conscience or morality – and who get their funding and orders from Iran.

It is not surprising that many American demonstrators in support of the Hamas terrorists wear masks to hide their faces.

Thomas A. Smith, Sarasota

In crisis, Biden demonstrates leadership

President Joe Biden has recently delivered powerful addresses following the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel. If you have not heard his remarks, you can see the first of his speeches on YouTube or read a transcript available at,

As the president said, this is a time for us to come together. Senators blocking diplomatic appointments and military promotions need to stop obstructing. House Republicans need to elect a speaker and do their job by passing a budget with funds for the defense of Israel and Ukraine. Each of us needs to reach out to our Jewish friends and neighbors.

As Biden spoke, you could see how deeply the president was affected by the horrors of the Hamas attack. Yet despite these very human reactions, he and his administration didn’t pause. To the contrary, they immediately got to work calling allies and making plans to support Israel.

Turning grief into positive action is what leadership is all about. What happened in Israel reveals the darkest parts of humanity. President Biden lifted us up with his words and actions.

Dawn Mann, Port Charlotte

Columnist shows up GOP leader

Let me join a growing chorus of those saying kudos to Herald-Tribune columnist Chris Anderson for his irrefutable reporting on the lies perpetrated by Jack Brill, chairman of the Republican Party of Sarasota County.

Being caught in these proven lies must have Brill’s acolytes twisting themselves into pretzels to defend him. But alas, I am wrong. Because I am not to believe the proof.  Like so many of today’s Republicans, they tell me not to believe what I read and hear. Do not believe the fake news, or any news reported by any news organization other than Fox or OAN. As currently evidenced by the Republican-led chaos in the U.S. House of Representatives, the party of Lincoln and Reagan is gone! You have allowed Trumpism to reign and your party is forever damaged because of it.

As the saying goes, “A fish rots from the head down."Paul E. White, Sarasota

Pick, choose your medical treatment

So the Sarasota County Commission decided to declare Sarasota a “sanctuary” county for medical care. What could this mean and what could go wrong?

Well, it means you can tell your doctor what treatment you want. All those years of medical school, I guess, are meaningless. Peer-reviewed studies, I guess, are no match for politicians with no science background.

Thank goodness there is a prescription ad on TV every five minutes and other private companies selling their “snake oil” remedies on the internet. (A few Manatee County residents were recently sent to prison for selling a bleach product to cure COVID-19.)

I hope this “sanctuary” provides a legal disclaimer for doctors forced to prescribe treatments like bleach or ivermectin so that they can’t be sued.

Yet abortion services, also health care, may soon be unavailable after six or 15 weeks in Florida. Attorney General Ashley Moody thinks "viability" is an unclear term. Abortion has been proven safe. Bleach, not so much!Joyce Peralta, Sarasota

Report on climate change every day

Judy Stewart’s superb guest column Oct. 11 was much needed (“It’s hotter than ever in Florida”). Why your newspaper is not constantly reporting on climate change right in our faces is beyond me.

This summer has been a perpetual blast furnace and the numbers prove it.

What Judy did not have the space to report is rainfall. As I write this, the Greater Sarasota area is more than 25 inches below normal. That is a stunning number.

We are staring straight into the mouth of the coming apocalypse and no one is doing anything about it, especially our elected leaders.

Good luck to our grandchildren.

Michael Collins, Sarasota

This article originally appeared on Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Destroy Hamas, savage terrorists with no conscience or morality