How to protect water pipes from freezing and bursting

Frozen pipes can cause extensive damage in your home if they burst. Effective insulation helps to protect them against frost in winter. Christin Klose/dpa
Frozen pipes can cause extensive damage in your home if they burst. Effective insulation helps to protect them against frost in winter. Christin Klose/dpa

If you don't insulate your water pipes properly you are running the risk that they will freeze and burst. That, says the Association of German Engineers (VDI), could cause extensive damage and expense, on top of disruption to your water supply.

The German Insurance Association (GDV) says frozen water pipes are the cause behind an average of up to 32,000 claims in Germany every year. But it doesn't have to come to that. Here are some tips for locating and protecting vulnerable pipes.

Insulation and heating

Heat your home sufficiently to prevent pipes from freezing - this applies in particular to little-used rooms such as cellars, storerooms, guest rooms and guest toilets. Never shut the radiator valves entirely during the colder months, the GDV says.

Check whether the pipes are sufficiently insulated. The VDI recommends not only insulating water pipes with insulating material, but also installing pipe trace heating in areas at particular risk from the cold. This prevents water pipes from freezing, but involves a certain amount of energy consumption.

Frost protection

Remember that the frost protection mode, marked by a * on the thermostatic radiator valve, offers only limited protection. Whilst it protects the radiators themselves from frost, the pipes supplying them are still at risk, especially if they run a long distance from the radiator.

Pipes that run outside or in permanently unheated rooms should be disconnected from the water supply and drained to prevent frost damage. Sealing windows or exterior doors can also prevent water pipes from freezing. Basement windows in particular are a common weak point.

What if the pipes do freeze?

If your pipes have already frozen, Thomas Wollstein from the VDI advises turning off the affected pipe sections. If this is not possible, turn off the main tap.

Repairs must always be carried out by specialised personnel, the VDI says.