Protesters Establish Short-lived Autonomous Zone in Portland

Demonstrators in Portland, Oregon, established a short-lived autonomous zone outside Mayor Ted Wheeler’s apartment in the early hours of Thursday, June 18, before police officers moved in to clear the area, local media reported.

Portland Police declared the gathering “a civil disturbance and unlawful assembly” and officers moved in to remove dumpsters, pallets, and boards used to barricade the area.

Protesters had dubbed the area the Patrick Kimmons Autonomous Zone (PKAZ) in memory of a man shot and killed by Portland police officers in October 2018, according to reports.

This video shot inside the PKAZ shows protesters dancing and singing early on Thursday morning.

On June 10, anti-racism demonstrators in Seattle established the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in a section of the city. The Seattle Times described the CHAZ as a “No-Cop Co-Op” where organizers provided free food, masks, and entertainment. Credit: Gravemorgan via Storyful