Protesters rally against Serbian President

Protests turned violent in Belgrade on Friday (July 10).

Thousands rallied against the President Aleksandar Vucic and government policies, including it's handling of the coronavirus crisis.

Police in full riot gear and mounted units were deployed outside the parliament building to prevent the President's opponents from storming in.

Earlier on Friday, the President accused his political opponents of orchestrating protests.

"The problem is that they become violent because they see they have no political solutions, they have nothing to offer to people. And that's why I'm worrying a lot to tell you the truth. I'm worrying a lot because the infection is not under control to the extent that I would like to see it."

This week's demonstrations were at first driven by frustration over economically stifling measures to contain the pandemic, but soon evolved into anti-government rallies.

Critics say the government's decisions to allow some gatherings to resume in May and parliamentary elections to go ahead on June 21 are to blame for the new surge in infections.

The President dismissed those claims.