Baltimore City Hall sit-in protest ends with 16 arrests

By Donna Owens

BALTIMORE (Reuters) - Demonstrators concerned about police use of force staged a sit-in at a Baltimore City Hall hearing to consider a new police commissioner, leading to 16 arrests before the protest was broken up early Thursday.

The demonstration, coming six months after rioting set off by the death of a black man in police custody, interrupted proceedings late on Wednesday on whether to give Baltimore's interim police commissioner, Kevin Davis, the permanent job as the city's top police officer.

The hearing proceeded despite protesters' chants and three of the five committee members voted in favor of Davis' confirmation. The full City Council could vote on Davis' appointment as early as Monday.

About three dozen protesters, some of whom were identified as members of Baltimore City Bloc, an activist group of high school students, remained in City Hall after midnight. Sixteen, ages 16 to 38, were arrested and charged with trespassing, police said.

Davis was appointed temporary commissioner in July after Anthony Batts was fired from the job amid a skyrocketing murder rate and protests in April following the death of Freddie Gray in police custody. Six officers have been charged in Gray's death and face trials.

Some of the demonstrators said police have been more aggressive when dealing with protesters since Davis took command.

(Editing by Suzannah Gonzales, Bill Trott and Bill Rigby)