Protests mark contentious Australia Day holiday

The Jan. 26 public holiday, intended to celebrate the birth of the modern Australia, marks the date the British fleet sailed into Sydney Harbour in 1788 to start a penal colony, viewing the land as unoccupied despite encountering settlements.

However, for many Indigenous Australians, who trace their lineage on the continent back 50,000 years, it is "Invasion Day."

"Australia Day is not a day to celebrate. It represents a day of mourning for Aboriginal people and I don't think that it's right that we celebrate Australia Day on January 26th," said Nicole Tam, a protester.

Many protesters at rallies across cities dressed in black to mourn the day, with some carrying the Aboriginal flag and "change the date" signs as they gathered at the city's Town Hall.

Australia's 700,000 or so Indigenous people track near the bottom of its 25 million citizens in almost every economic and social indicator. Living often in remote communities, they also have been at greater risk from COVID-19.