The votes are in: Lincoln's Sofia Ramos named Providence Journal Student of the Week

The votes are in, and the four students nominated for The Providence Journal Student of the Week received high marks.

But only one could be chosen for the top honors: Sofia Ramos of Lincoln High School.

Sofia, according to her nomination, consistently displays a tremendous work ethic in all of her classes. "Not only does she stay on top of her school work, but she balances a job working with senior citizens and is president of the LHS Best Buddies! She works tirelessly to include students of all abilities in daily activities and events. Most recently, Sofia was instrumental in organizing a first-ever Best Buddies pinning ceremony, formally recognizing the outstanding work of all students in the program. She is a model student with a heart of gold! She received 58.99% of the vote to top the ballot.

The Journal asked principals, teachers and guidance counselors from across the state to participate in the Student of the Week program by sending nominations for their top student.

Besides Sofia, other students considered this week were:

Nathan Comeau, North Smithfield High School

Nathan Comeau is a student who loves to learn for learning's sake. He is always respectful and helpful to both his teachers and his peers, and this respect is returned by all. He excels in academics and music, and he is always looking for ways to be better as both a student and a person, all the while encouraging those around him to be their best selves.

Tyrone Masso, East Providence High School

Tyrone is a hard-working and creative student. He consistently challenges himself to do the very best work that he can. Students aspire and are expressive about trying to reach his level of creativity and drive. Tyrone is the best role model and plays an integral part in creating a classroom that is vibrant and engaged.

Meghan McCann, St. Raphael High School

Meghan is a diligent worker and gifted student who always puts the needs of others before herself. She is a gentle and kind yet firm leader to whom others look for guidance and support. Meghan always puts the quality of her work before everything else. She sees her achievements as a byproduct of the work she does, not as the motivator. Her motivation is to be the very best version of herself – athletically, academically, socially and spiritually.

This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: Providence Journal Student of the Week: Lincoln HS's Sofia Ramos