Psy Does Not Salute You

Oh, brother. It seems that nearly ten years ago that rapper guy Psy — you know, that one who sings "Gangnam Style" and will never sing anything else ever again — made some controversial comments about American troops at an Iraq War protest. Specifically, he said: "Kill those fucking Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives / Kill those fucking Yankees who ordered them to torture / Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers / Kill them all slowly and painfully." Soooo... yeah, that's pretty bad, but again, it was years ago, at one protest, and everyone was really mad back then. It's a bad sentiment, to be sure, but are we really going to rake him over the coals that hard? Well, yes, we are. Enough for him to issue a long, heartfelt apology, anyway. Really the takeaway from all this is that we should not be trusting former BU students. As we must forever remind ourselves: Sucks to BU. Guys, it just really sucks to BU. [Daily Intel]

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Oh, no! Nerd-joke/sex-joke auteur (and AMC TV show host) Kevin Smith is quitting movies. Yes, the Clerks director says that his last film will be... another Clerks movie, so I guess there are some who will be sad about that. Mostly modern Rip Van Winkles who just woke up somewhere in suburban New Jersey and still think it's 1994. But modern Rip Van Winkles are people, too, so we shouldn't discount them. Anyway, some sort of Kevin Smith retrospective will have to be done, in which the first Clerks is screened, then Chasing Amy, then I guess Dogma, and then... I dunno. Mallrats was pretty funny back in the day. Wasn't it? It was, with that handshake thing and the other thing. Shannen Doherty, that's the name. But, yes, that's that for Kevin Smith. Who will miss him? [Huffington Post]

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Fans of Robert Zemeckis's campy cult favorite Death Becomes Her, the 1993 war of the divas starring Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep (and a lot of gross-out special effects), may either rejoice or despair at this news: Bravo is planning on turning the movie into a series, with Zemeckis signed on as executive producer. So obviously there are some good aspects to this idea, in that the concept is fun (old rivals trying who become essentially immortal while trying to maintain their youthful looks and battling for the same dopey man), and Zemeckis's involvement might mean the project will maintain some integrity. But then there's that Bravo thing. Bravo is branching out into scripted fare, which gives one pause enough on its own, but this particular thing is a sacred property, and to have a new generation only associate the name with some basic-cable show on an untested network (untested in terms of scripted fare, anyway) seems like a grave injustice. So, it's a mixed bag. At least one immediate fun thing comes out of this, that being the game of who should play Helen and Madeleine. It really depends on how old they want to make them, but just guessing that we're talking forties-ish here, and a cable-level pool of available talent, how about Melora Hardin as Madeleine and Judy Greer as Helen? Greer might be too good for this (Hardin might be, too), but they could be so fun together! Remember how good Hardin was as crazy Jan on The Office? And Greer could definitely do the conniving other woman bit. So that's what I got right now. Now you go. [Variety]

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There's a rumor afoot that Kristen Wiig might sign on to play a love interest for Brick, the character played by Steve Carell, in Anchorman 2. Which could be fun! Obviously Carell is a much bigger star now than when the first movie came out, so it makes sense that they'd want to expand his story, but let's hope they don't expand it too much. Part of what was funny about Brick's barely even sentient level of mental ability was that he was used only once in a while. A whole movie of that nonsensical stammering and free association might not fly that well. But still, Kristen Wiig is funny and so is Steve Carell, so maybe there's really nothing to worry about here. If the news is even true, that is. [The Wrap]

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Looks like 20th Century Fox is looking to develop a sword-and-sandal epic about Arminius, a German wildsman who was trained by the Roman army and then turned against them when Rome tried to conquer Germany. He was pretty young, 25 or so, when all this went down, so this is a good vehicle for some new hunk. Or, like, Chris Hemsworth. Who is a new-ish hunk. A hunk will be involved, is the point. And, everyone likes a hunk, so this will probably be a big hit. (Unless the hunk is named John Carter, that is.) [Deadline]

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James McAvoy will soon be appearing in London's West End as the title role in a production of, erm... The Scottish Play. You know the one. That one. The one we're not allowed to say out loud lest this whole production be cursed. Though, hm, we're not actually doing a play here, are we? This is a blog. So, OK. I'm gonna say it: Macbeth. Yikes! Scary. But the world still turns, so: Macbeth again. Macbeth I say! James McAvoy is playing Macbeth. Which could be interesting, though isn't he a little young? Just a little? Eh, doesn't really matter. We'll likely never see it. Do you know how expensive tickets to London are? Enough to make you murder a guy named Duncan. [Deadline]

A first poster for the Tom Cruise alien action picture Oblivion has been released, and from the looks of it New York City is once again getting pretty badly bruised and battered. Or turned into a waterfall? It's unclear. The slogan for the movie is "Earth is a memory worth fighting for," so I guess this takes place way in the future and Manhattan has turned into an ancient rocky ruin or something. Whatever the case is, Tom Cruise is here to figure it all out and save the day, as he always has to do, so we really should say thank you to him, for yet again saving us from doom. Or I guess in this scenario all of us are long, long dead, so... this movie is kind of depressing. [The Hollywood Reporter]