PTC chairman and retired judge Richard Magnus dies, ministers pay tribute

Public Transport Council chairman Richard Magnus. (SCREENSHOT: Interseed/Facebook)
Public Transport Council chairman Richard Magnus. (SCREENSHOT: Interseed/Facebook)

SINGAPORE — The chairman of the Public Transport Council (PTC), Richard Magnus, died on Monday (14 March). He was 78, according to a report by CNA.

The retired senior district judge was appointed chairman of PTC in 2014, and was previously a board director of the Land Transport Authority.

Health Minister Ong Ye Kung paid tribute to Magnus, saying that when he was Transport Minister, he could rely on the PTC chairman to recommend what was right for public transport fare changes. Magnus always had “a heart for commuters”, Ong added.

In his current role, Ong said he met Magnus, who was Chairman of the Bioethics Advisory Committee, last week and they discussed genetics-related policies.

“He is a man whom I have great respect for. He always carried himself with such grace and generosity. He had a life well-lived, devoted to making a difference to others. His passing is an immense loss to all of us,” Ong said.

Magnus received the Distinguished Service Order at last year’s National Day Awards.

Foreign Affairs Minister Vivian Balakrishnan also praised Magnus for his contributions to public service.

Dr Balakrishnan said he worked with Magnus at the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports when they crafted legislation that would become Mental Capacity Act 2008, and praised him for his “invaluable” input during the process.

Magnus was “a wonderful upright gentleman who epitomised justice, integrity, compassion, humility and service to his nation”, Dr Balakrishnan added.

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