Public education more than a number and a number sign

Letter to the editor

I have been somewhat perplexed by the recent articles regarding the salaries of administrators and teachers at our local public school districts. This information is readily available to the public, and little additional information and context is presented to educate the reader on the many nuances of the salaries.

Public education is about much more than the salaries paid to employees who serve in our school districts. During this season of giving, I encourage everyone to take a moment to pause and reflect on what is perhaps the greatest gift this country gives its citizens: The gift of a free public education to all K-12 students, regardless of religion, race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, special needs or academic ability.

Here in Ohio, we have the sixth largest public school system in the country with 1.8 million students. Throughout our state, public education is the primary education opportunity and in rural Ohio, it is the only universally available educational opportunity. Educated students lead to an educated citizenry, leading to less unemployment, reduced dependence on public assistance programs and greater tax revenue. Education also plays a key role in the reduction of crime, improved public health and greater political and civic engagement.

Let us all rally to protect this gift that truly keeps on giving.

Barb Friedhoff, Wooster

This article originally appeared on The Daily Record: Public education more than a number and a dollar sign