This public library is offering 'Adulting 101' classes for Millennials

When you're a kid you think grownups have it all figured out. Then you become an adult and realize most people have no clue what they're doing. 

The North Bend Public Library in Oregon is starting a new program called "Adulting 101," which is essentially a bunch of classes geared towards helping people become functioning adults without having to call mom for help. 

Classes range from financial advice, such as setting a budget and filing taxes, to cooking, getting a job, talking to your landlord and basic handy work.

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"We felt it was important to bring Adulting 101 to the North Bend Public Library to provide more resources for young people on how they can better their lives in our community,"Assistant Director of Library Services Teresa Lucas told CBS affiliate KCBY.

The first class, which took place on Feb. 25, covered easy cooking recipes, which included a tutorial on "how to cook creatively in dorm rooms." The library uses iron grilled cheese as an example. 

"I also lived in a dorm in my first year of college, and I lived in varied apartments, some of which didn't have kitchens and didn't allow you to have kitchen supplies,” explained Clara Piazzoli, a library aid who taught the first class. “I left home not really knowing how to cook and I ended up getting very inventive and teaching myself a lot of these tips."

While some independent young adults may scoff at the idea of an adulting class, Facebook comments about the classes were all pretty positive, though most  appeared to come from parents with kids. 

Or you could always just look up these skills on YouTube like a normal adult. 

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