Public schools have gotten safer. But there are new threats to student well-being.

Public schools have fluctuated in their positions on students’ cell phone usage for as long as the devices have been around.

But there’s broad consensus among schools serving the youngest kids that nonacademic use of cell phones should be prohibited. That’s according to the latest nationally representative federal data on school safety and security measures, collected in 2022 and published Wednesday.

Seventy-six percent of participating public schools, including 82% of charter schools, reported they had prohibited such usage. The rates varied by age level, from 87% of elementary schools to just 43% of high schools. The numbers are up from roughly a decade ago when less than 2 in 3 schools said they'd prohibited cell phones, often lifting older bans in response to concerns over the equity implications. As USA TODAY has reported, many students rely on their phones to deal with family issues, cope with mental health issues and, simply, access the internet.

The data released Wednesday, however, suggests such bans are seen as necessary to stymie not only classroom distractions but also safety issues.

Among the other key findings in the school safety report were decreases in nonviolent campus crime and the use or distribution of illegal substances, high rates of cyberbullying and limited access to mental health services.

Campus crime is down, but cyberbullying is widespread

While the report shows a reduction in criminal activity on public school campuses, particularly in nonviolent crime, cyberbullying is common. That’s particularly true at middle schools, 37% of which reported that students experienced cyberbullying at or away from school at least once a week. Principals at a quarter of high schools and 6% of elementary schools said they had students who'd been cyberbullied at least once weekly.

Bullying has long been a reality at public schools – especially middle schools, where pre-teen students are undergoing major physical and emotional changes. However, according to federal data, cyberbullying has become slightly more common than traditional bullying. Separate polling by the Pew Research Center, also conducted in 2022, found that nearly half of U.S. teens reported experiencing at least one form of cyberbullying.

Schools don't want kids on cell phones: Is banning them the solution?

Despite mental health push, few professionals to provide services

The good news is that, according to the federal data published Wednesday, schools are increasingly turning to preventative measures to deal with safety concerns. Sixty-five percent of schools employ threat assessment teams and 90% have increased social-emotional supports for students since COVID-19 hit.

More than half (58%) also said they use restorative practices versus punitive ones to deal with discipline. Restorative justice involves mediation and deliberate efforts to heal the harm caused to the victim, often through communication with the offender as guided by a professional.

The challenge is that professionals with these skill sets are hard to come by. Despite widely publicized efforts to ramp up mental health support in schools, the survey found a decrease in such services. And while limited funding was one major factor, inadequate access to trained staff was another obstacle schools continued to face.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: School crime is down. But here are the newest threats to student safety.