Public transportation is key to affordable housing and parking woes: Letters

Public transportation is key to affordable housing and parking issues

March 11 — To the Editor:

Recent articles in the news have highlighted the pathetic level of investment in public transportation by the state of New Hampshire, even when most funding is coming from the federal government. This is very short-sighted thinking, because good transportation investment can contribute significantly to address the affordable housing crisis, as well as parking demand in many municipalities.

According to reports about the current state budget, approximately $200,000 has been proposed for transportation needs in the entire state ($34,000 of that is designated for COAST, the Seacoast public transportation network). This is a drop in the bucket.  While most state and business leaders agree that we have an affordable housing crisis, few seem to see how good public transportation can help.  Property values and taxes vary from town to town, and job opportunities are not always located in close proximity to affordable and desirable housing locations.  However, efficient public transportation can be a bridge to connect these needs.  If residents can use public transportation to a work site from their homes, this provides more job opportunities and reduces the need to drive as much (reducing environmental impacts). If companies can hire from a larger geographic area, because good public transportation is available, this is a win-win for both companies and workers. If residents of municipalities, e.g. Portsmouth, have good public transit opportunities to visit restaurants, medical offices and cultural offerings, this increases quality of life while parking demand is reduced.

However, the key to success is that public transportation must be designed to serve all residents and not just low-income residents. This means that the transportation network must have frequent stops and adequate service per hour during most of the day.  It must be clean and well maintained, so that people who could use their car, will want to use it instead. Most other countries have already proven how beneficial public transportation can be, and New Hampshire’s political and business leaders should accelerate discussions that lead to us significantly improving our public transportation systems including rail, buses, and shuttles. 

Peter Somssich


COAST Bus, based in Dover, received $34,000 in funding in the most recent New Hampshire budget.
COAST Bus, based in Dover, received $34,000 in funding in the most recent New Hampshire budget.

Thank you, Portsmouth City Council

March 14 — To the Editor:

I was happy to read Terry MacDonald’s letter in the March 14 Portsmouth Heraldand really just want to say ditto. Terry covered the bases on so much of what I appreciate about our current Portsmouth city councilors — specifically, their conscientiousness, professionalism and vision. Our councilors represent us respectfully, take their roles seriously, and are not afraid of tackling tough issues. They’re dedicated to resolving the complicated challenges they inherited and always seem to have the welfare of our extended community in mind. I admire them.

A bow also to our city staff members, who work behind the scenes to keep Portsmouth solvent, safe, healthy, and a great place to live. I don’t know all of your names, but I do experience the benefit of your efforts every day.

Thank you.

Judy Ringer


Say no to the continuing assault on public schools and teachers

March 14 — To the Editor:

On March 16, New Hampshire state representatives will vote on HB514, a bill that would essentially ban books in schools and institutions of higher learning, including museums. Rep. Glenn Cordelli has claimed it is a bill that protects children from obscene content. In fact, it is nothing but a ban on books. The bill would allow just one parent or guardian to lodge a complaint to the school principal before eventually finding its way to the state Department of Education. There are already procedures in place for parents to prohibit their child from reading books in the school library or classroom. This bill would allow for a wholesale ban on reading materials that one person or party may find objectionable. In my long reading life, I have found some books offensive; I choose to stop reading them. In fact, there are some parts of the Bible that are filled with violent acts such as sexual assault and murder as well as the promotion of slavery and polygamy. Shall we ban this book as well?

Additionally, Reps. Cordelli and Jonathan Smith have also submitted an amendment to a bill (HB533) that would enable the commissioner of education to subpoena licensed educators directly if he thinks they are in violation of the banned concepts law. As written, the commissioner himself could walk into a public school classroom and hand a teacher a subpoena in front of students

The continuing assault on and sabotage of public education by some New Hampshire representatives is nothing a shamefulattempt to intimidate educators, undermine and eventually eliminate public education. Please contact your representatives and tell them to vote “No” on HB514.

Kim Fudge


Safety improvements needed in Newmarket council chambers

March 14 — To the Editor:

Nine years ago, following the terrible shootings in Sandy Hook, the school board sought the advice of the Newmarket Police Department to better understand what could be done to improve safety in Newmarket schools. The Police Department made several school facility recommendations, which were quickly addressed. Another recommendation was to provide a second exit in town chambers in the case of an intruder. It was further learned that an exit would also be of great benefit in case of fire. Currently the only form of escape in case of a fire in the hallway would require occupants to jump out a second-floor window to the ground below, a particularly difficult option for handicapped, the elderly, and children.

In nine years, the town has only been able to take two actions. A hidden door beside the dais would provide an opportunity for people sitting on the dais a form of escape from an intruder, but not for fire. The town also confirmed if there was a fire and occupants were either injured or sadly died, town insurance would cover the loss. Not much of a comfort to a family in either case.

I take no pleasure in criticizing the town manager, I believe he is good for the town of Newmarket, but in my opinion failure to address this issue is unacceptable. An immediate option is to relocate council chambers to the basement auditorium. The auditorium has two wide exit doors constructed of steel. The exits beyond the doors are also wide and lead immediately to the street. The doors are marked with lighted exit signs which I believe means they are approved fire exits.

In addition, Newmarket just constructed a brand-new combination cafeteria and auditorium at the High School with every audio-visual amenity available. Citizens support for this auditorium was gained by presenting it as a “community space” not just limited to school use. It has every fire/life safety requirement built into the new space. Perhaps even a better solution.

In any case I believe the community should be aware of this serious matter. I for one, would not allow a family member to attend a meeting in council chambers ever! It is now in the hands of the community to evaluate the situation and make decisions accordingly.

Al Zink


This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Public transportation key to affordable housing, parking woes: Letters