Punish sanctuary states, derail asylum: Legal questions swirl around DeSantis' migrant relocation effort

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Each time new details come to light surrounding the transport of South American migrants by chartered planes to Martha's Vineyard on Sept. 14, Boston immigration attorney Alba Contreras can hardly believe her ears.

"The more details that come out, for me, the more shocking," said the Venezuelan-born litigator on Saturday, speaking by phone.

From the start, the unannounced transfer — for which Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has claimed credit — raised her eyebrows. Earlier in the week, Contreras said while U.S. immigration authorities can legally transport migrants from state to state, it is not customary to transfer people from a detention center scenario to an apparently "arbitrary" place that is not another detention center.

Venezuelan migrants make their way to a bus on Friday that will bring them from St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Edgartown to Vineyard Haven and the ferry to Woods Hole. The group of about 50 people was brought to Joint Base Cape Cod.
Venezuelan migrants make their way to a bus on Friday that will bring them from St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Edgartown to Vineyard Haven and the ferry to Woods Hole. The group of about 50 people was brought to Joint Base Cape Cod.

It was enough to push the question of whether it was legal.

Over the last several days, stories the migrants have been telling about being promised free transportation by private airplane to a sanctuary location, where there would be jobs, free housing and English lessons awaiting them, have only made the legal alarm bells ring louder.

"A lot of the playing field has changed," said Contreras. "They weren't under the custody of ICE."

Normally, once a migrant is given an immigration hearing and released from custody, they are instructed to reach out to any family members or friends living in the U.S. to join them, or to seek assistance from nonprofit organizations whose contact information is supposed to be provided to them.

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"Instead, they were promised jobs and housing" that were not real, Contreras said. They were flown on chartered planes that were not official flights in U.S. customs control and dropped off, not in Boston — a city that they may have recognized — but on a small island four miles off the coast of Massachusetts.

That's where things may have crossed the line into something illegal, in Contreras' opinion.

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"It does seem like there is some sort of trafficking that can be brought against the governor. On a superficial level, it seems that is what happened," Contreras said.

The migrants reported they were not only given promises that did not materialize, but they were also all confused about where, exactly, they were being taken. And they were given "fictitious" addresses to list on their paperwork.

Immigration attorney Rachel Self, standing outside  St. Andrews parish hall in Edgartown Thursday evening, points to the map Venezuelan migrants were shown before being transported to Martha's Vineyard on Wednesday.
Immigration attorney Rachel Self, standing outside St. Andrews parish hall in Edgartown Thursday evening, points to the map Venezuelan migrants were shown before being transported to Martha's Vineyard on Wednesday.

"Honestly, I would argue that it was kidnapping," Contreras said, because "none of these people knew where they were going."

With the details still unfolding, the legal question is not a simple one to answer. But Contreras is not alone in thinking there could be a legal case to build.

On Friday, Attorney General Maura Healey issued a statement on the situation, noting that her office is working with Gov. Charlie Baker, federal, state, and community leaders "to offer services and help those who have arrived here find a safe place to stay while determining next steps."

Healey's office continues to gather information about the situation, which Healey said "is yet another example of why we need comprehensive federal immigration reform in this country.”

League of United Latin American Citizens steps in

The League of United Latin American Citizens, a Hispanic and Latin-American civil rights organization, has latched onto the case as well, saying the migrants were "misled into accepting transportation under false promises from organizers telling them jobs and shelter are waiting."

LULAC President Domingo Garcia said in an email that the organization is coordinating "a counter push" to inform migrants they do not have to take bus or plane trips, and informing them how to protect their civil rights under the U.S. Constitution.

Garcia said the migrants are being used as “political piñatas," and LULAC stands ready to help them.

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“My main goal is to find out their stories,” Garcia said during a Friday appearance on the Vineyard. “How they got tricked, how they got deceived, into getting on a plane to Martha’s Vineyard. I think that’s the real story here, that the governor of Florida and the governor of Texas are using immigrants and refugees as political pawns to score points."

LULAC, he said, is looking to build a legal case. Garcia plans to file a complaint with the Department of Justice requesting a review to determine if crimes or human rights violations were committed by those who put the migrants on the plane.

On Wednesday evening, DeSantis took credit for flying the migrants unannounced to Martha's Vineyard. On Friday, he said he is targeting migrants in Texas who want to go to Florida and that more flights are likely.

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"So they've (DeSantis representatives) been in Texas identifying people that are trying to come to Florida and then offering them free transportation to sanctuary jurisdictions," DeSantis said during an appearance in Florida on Friday. "So they went from Texas to Florida to Martha's Vineyard."

Garcia, from LULAC said, “Some of the immigrants told me that they were promised they would get three months of work, free housing and free transportation … It was all just a terrible lie.”

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Boston immigration lawyer Rachel Self shares the concerns that the migrants were treated in an underhanded manner.

Accounts from the travelers, she said during a press conference on the Vineyard, "make it clear that they were lied to again and again, and fraudulently induced to board the planes."

"They were told there was a 'surprise present' for them and that there would be jobs and housing waiting for them when they arrived. This was obviously a sadistic lie," she said. "Not only did those responsible for this stunt know that there was no housing and no employment awaiting the migrants, they also very intentionally chose not to call ahead to any single office authority on Martha's Vineyard so that even the most basic human needs arrangements could be made."

Self said the migrants were provided with "a cartoonishly simple map of Martha's Vineyard and the United States, and a brief brochure containing snippets from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts website," as well as instructions to change their address with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)  when they relocated.

She called this especially troubling, "as anyone with even the most basic understanding of the immigration proceedings knows that USCIS was not the agency with whom the migrants would have to record their addresses and has nothing to do with their cases in any way."

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"It is clear that this was an intentional attempt to ensure that these migrants were removed, in absentia, when they failed to change their address with the proper agency," she said. "This was a purposeful derailment designed to prevent people from complying with federal immigration policies."

Furthermore, before they boarded the planes, Self revealed, "the migrants were processed by agents of the Department of Homeland Security who listed falsified addresses on the migrants' paperwork. Agents apparently chose random homeless shelters all across the country from Washington to Florida to list the migrants' mailing addresses even when told by the migrants that they have no address in the U.S."

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According to the paperwork provided to them, she said, "the migrants are required to check in with ICE office nearest to the fake address chosen for them by DHS or be permanently removed from the United States, with some of them required to check in" as early as Monday.

"It could not be clearer that this is an attempt to ensure that these people are ordered removed even as they try as hard as they can to comply with the instructions provided to them," Self said. "There is no other reason to list as someone's mailing address a homeless shelter in Tacoma, Washington, when they ship him to Massachusetts. It is sickeningly cruel throwing obstacles in the way people fleeing violence and oppression, some of whom walked through 10 countries in the hopes of finding safety."

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Like many others, Contreras thinks the migrants are being shamefully used. To those who organized their transport to Martha's Vineyard, she feels,  "this was a joke … "like, 'ha ha, let's use these people as political pawns.'"

As a Venezuelan-American, she said, "it's hurtful" and it's exploitative. At the very least, she hopes the publicity and question-asking around what is happening finally sheds some light on the problems in the immigration system.

"We know the immigration system is messed up," Contreras said. "It's broken. In a way, I'm thankful Florida did this because now we're shining a light on what we see as immigration attorneys on a day-to-day basis."

Contact Heather McCarron at hmccarron@capecodonline.com. 

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This article originally appeared on Cape Cod Times: Flights of migrants to Marth's Vineyard MA raise legal questions