Put tiny Drake wherever you want with 'Views' album cover generator


The cover of Drake's upcoming album, Views from the 6, gives Tiny Drake a great view of Toronto, and us a great view of Tiny Drake. 

The rapper released the cover art via Twitter on Sunday night, and the album features a Tiny Drake sitting atop the CN Tower overlooking his home town. Toronto-based interactive media production company, The Young Astronauts, was so amused by Tiny Drake that they created a photo generator to inspire others to make their own parody album covers.

SEE ALSO: Drake is sitting on his city in new 'Views' album cover

Yes, that's right — now we have the power to make our own Views cover and give Tiny Drake any view we want.

We got a head start on the fun, and gave Tiny Drake some excellent views.

Views from Queen Bey's 'Lemonade' squad

Image: hbo

Views from the fallen heartthrob


Views from the end of our long national nightmare

Image: abc

Views from the cob

Image: reddit

Views from Ellen's chair

Image: The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Views from the top of the (Pride) Rock

Image: the lion king

Views from the cakes

Image: drakescake.com

Views from the top of the staircase

Image: drakevevo/youtube

[H/T Pigeons and Planes]