Put a wand in a kid's hand and imagination takes over

The Kids Page is a compilation of responses written by kindergarten through eighth-grade students from area schools. Students are asked a different question each month and answers are printed weekly.

This month’s question: You found a magic wand. What would you do with it? What would you want to get?


Layton Saylor

Mapleton Elementary

Third Grade

If I found a magic wand what would I do. Maybe I would turn into Harry Potter. I went to bed. I woke up in the morning and got ready for school and ran out the door. I was going to school and I found a magic wand. So I put it in my pocket and ran to school. I came home and tried the magic wand. I tried some spells on some animals. One of the spells threw one of the animals. I tested more spells on the animals it was very fun. I played with it util it was time to go to bed. That is what I would do with a magic wand.


Kaini Ichikawa

Mapleton Elementary

Third Grade

If I found a magic want I would wish for these things. I will get a youtuber channal, meet Mariah Elizabeth I LOVE! Get rid of my 5 dogs and give them to Latah my friend and get 5 cats. I will get a phone, ride wave, live at the beach (which is were I would ride the waves) Finally I would live with my friend Aery. I wish I really found a magic wand.


Ryder Galloway

Mapleton Elementary

Third Grade

Wow I found a magic wand. I would buy a house. Also I want a reading area.  I would also ask for books. I would ask for cars. I want to be famous. I also want to own stories on the beach. I am going to have parties. I will own America and own Mexico and I will buy teacher anything. Also I will own football teems Browns, Green Bay, Lions and Panthers. I want a man cave and my future room and my future house. I want to bullride sosolong. That what I want to own.


Sheyanne Jennings

Mapleton Elementary

Third Grade

If I had a magic wand this is what I’d do. I would want to ride a broom. I want to ride a broom because I want to be like Harry Pottor. I would want to be come Hermione. I want to become Hermione because I want to be Harry Potter’s best friend. That’s what I would do if I had a magic wand.


Ezra Chandler

Reagan Elementary

Third Grade

If I found a magic wand I would use it. I would cast spells on people and turn them into frogs. I would make a spell to cast and make a million of dollars. I would have a ton of fun casting spells on my brother and sister. I would also cast spells to turn me into something to hide. I think it would be fun having a magic wand.


Graham Gibson

Reagan Elementary

Third Grade

If I found a magic wand I have these ideas. First, I would make Pokemon real. Then I make everybody in the world have super powers and food, water and shelter. After that I would make my friends, family and relatives have great health. Finally, I wish every body in the world would have lots of money.


Anallyn Perrin

Reagan Elementary

Third Grade

If I found a magic wand I would go to every hospital and cure them. I would get more cleaning supplies for my mom, dad, and my sister Allyna. I would of course get some treats for me like hot Cheetos, Blow Pops, and many many more. I would do anything that helps the Earth. Thank you. Happy winter and Christmas.


Oliver Crist

St. Edward School

First Grade

I would use the wand to help my entire family. I would get things for people in need. I would make stuffed animals have friends. I would make it a day of no school.


Lilah Forbes

Reagan Elementary

Second Grade

If I found a magic wand. I would rescue animals. I would also want to magicly make an ice cream cone apear in my hand. Then I would buy a hamster. Also I would buy a bunch of book! I would love to find a magic wand.


Katie Mathatas

Reagan Elementary

Second Grade

I would help people with it. Because they pobably like that. I’d use it to get a robot for my mom because she can’t handle us while making macorons. For my dad I would get a cinder block because he like workouts. For my brother a present - soon it’s his birthday. For my little brother a truck he likes trucks. For my sister a sandbox because I don’t know what she likes. That is what I would do.


Tucker Griffin

Reagan Elementary

Third Grade

If I was given a magic wand, I would save the world. First, saving the army. Then, save the hungry. And that’s it. Bye.


Izayah Sheriff

Reagan Elementary

Third Grade

I was just walking down a street and a random bird dropped a magic wand. So I went home and started thing of wishes. So I thought and thought…got it! I’m going to summon the Grinch and his dog Max and we could go sleighing. When we’ve done maybe we could eat some onions. Then I am going to summon a million pizzas so we could feast and feed the hungry. And maybe he could get a little kindness from that. And my last thing I would never go to school unless he comes with me and Max.


Tristan Smith

Reagan Elementary

Third Grade

If I found a magic wand I would use it to teleport to place so I could get things for free so I would not have to pay. Then I would tell Santa that I can be Santa for 10 years because I could teleport to give the presents to kids. Last I would make a lot of toys so when I got to my house I could have a lot of gifts.

This article originally appeared on Ashland Times Gazette: Oh oh oh, it's magic: Wand does the trick when it comes to imagination