Puzzle to limber up the brain puts brakes on travel sickness

Car sickness can be avoided by completing puzzles before taking to the road - Moment RF
Car sickness can be avoided by completing puzzles before taking to the road - Moment RF

Car sickness can be avoided by completing puzzles before taking to the road, researchers have found.

The brain can be trained to minimise the impact of motion sickness by carrying out basic puzzles which stimulate spatial understanding.

After completing daily brain exercises before travelling, reports of nausea among participants in a study by the University of Warwick fell by more than half.

Up to a third of people are thought to be "highly susceptible" to the condition, which affects the inner ear, a part of the body central to balance.

Signals generated by the eyes are sent to the brain, and confusing "messages" can cause nausea and dizziness.

Researchers from the Warwick Manufacturing Group used a driving simulator and passenger simulator to test motion sickness among volunteers.

The participants rated their sickness, discomfort and stomach problems. They were then asked to complete "visuo-spatial" training tasks for 15 minutes a day such as paper-folding and analysing spatial patterns.

Following two weeks of tasks, the participants repeated the simulator test and sickness rates fell by 51 per cent for the drivers, and 58 per cent for back-seat passengers.

The study, published in the journal Applied Ergonomics, found it was not clear why the tasks helped to reduce sickness, but it suggested they may have improved the participants' sensory skills, therefore minimising their chances of motion sickness.

It added: "It may also be possible that ... repeat exposures to a motion sickness-inducing or spatiality-challenging task can reduce the susceptibility to motion sickness."