Quentin Tarantino weighs in on gun ownership date: ‘There are always two sides’

Quentin Tarantino has shared his position on the debate about gun ownership in the US.

There have already been more than 140 mass shootings in the United States in 2023, with gun legislation activists lamenting the lack of progress being made on new restrictions.

In a new interview with the Spanish newspaper El Pais, the Inglorious Basterds director – whose films are known for their extreme violence and bloodshed – was asked for his thoughts on the issue.

“There are always two sides,” he said. “We certainly don’t need as many automatic weapons as there are. There should be better laws. [But] I do have a gun at home.”

Tarantino then clarified that his gun was “for protection”.

Elsewhere in the interview, he revealed his favourite tense scene from all of his films.

In another recent interview, Tarantino opened up about how the performance of one of his films at the box office served as a shock to his confidence.

Tarantino is currently promoting his book Cinema Speculation, which is part personal history, part movie criticism, and part film reporting.

Tarantino (Getty Images)
Tarantino (Getty Images)

Last month, it was reported that Tarantino is preparing to announce his final film, which will reportedly be set in the Seventies, have a female lead, and be called The Movie Critic.

The director has repeatedly said that he planned to retire by the time he turns 60 (which happened on 27 March).