Questor: we acted quickly to protect the Income Portfolio, now we must wait for the rewards

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There are better days ahead of us and, alongside the nation, Questor’s Income Portfolio is ready to spark back into life. Last year’s vaccine-related market bounce breathed new life into the portfolio and the continued positive news regarding inoculations leaves us in good shape.

Nonetheless, a return to normality is a good time to reassess why we hold on to investments, and whether the case remains valid.

Lowland Investment Company, a £20,000 holding in the portfolio, struggled in 2020. The share price fell from £14.75 at the start to a low of 810p (a level not witnessed since January 2012). A recovery took it to £11.98 by year end but its performance relative to peers remains a sore point. The investment trust buys British income stocks, and all such strategies struggled last year. But Lowland’s share price ended 2020 down 17pc while rivals only lost 12pc on average, as did the FTSE All Share index, a measure of the stock market.

It did manage to pay a 60p dividend and trades on a historic yield of 5.1pc. However, it had to dip into cash reserves to cover the payout. Dividend reserves are now down to 0.7 years and another major fall in payouts would put its own under pressure.

Despite this, Questor remains sanguine. Managers James Henderson and Laura Foll are experts in this field and astute value merchants at a time when such a skill could be particularly fruitful.

The reasons behind Questor’s confidence are many fold. First, the portfolio make-up differs from its peers so like-for-like comparisons can be unhelpful. Lowland’s performance last year was disappointing but we like it because it combines high-yielding large stocks with the higher share price growth offered by smaller businesses that still offer dividends.

It’s no surprise it fell towards the bottom of the table given its reliance on the types of British businesses that took a bigger hit in March last year.

Ms Foll and Mr Henderson only invest 55pc in FTSE 100 companies, and only 50pc of the sales of the fund’s underlying companies come from abroad, versus 75pc for FTSE All Share.

The fund’s outlook is significantly tied to the domestic economy, which contracted nearly 10pc in 2020.

The outlook becomes rosier, however. Since the vaccine news, the trust’s share price has risen 30pc, well ahead of the benchmark’s 20pc. A continuation of better news, and certainty following the Brexit deal, mean Ms Foll and Mr Henderson’s picks are well placed to bounce back.

This is likely on a one to two-year outlook, rather than three months, but not being patient and selling sooner would merely consolidate losses.

Some of the biggest losers in the midst of the pandemic have been the largest contributors following the vaccine announcement, a pertinent factor in Questor’s confidence.

Ms Foll said she remained optimistic on bringing above-average performance back this year. Some portfolio companies, such as Morgan Advanced Materials and TT Electronics, two mid-cap stocks, have used the pandemic to accelerate cost-cutting programmes. This means a recovery in share prices would be compounded with owning higher-margin businesses, Ms Foll argued.

Similarly, the pair have added to large banking stocks as dividends come back into play. The share price outlook for such stocks is muddled given the low interest rate environment and a hovering threat of negative rates. But Ms Foll said many of the banks’ forecasts were conservative, leaving some room for a share price bounce should the UK recover quicker than expected in 2021.

An area of concern, of course, for the Income Portfolio is dividend security. Reserves are low, and 45pc of last year’s 60p per share was paid using spare cash. Ms Foll has warned investors 2021’s dividend, although unlikely to fall, will warrant another use of the reserves.

Over the longer term, investors should not expect dividend growth. Even with a recovery in payouts from businesses, reserves will need to be replenished.

Ms Foll said smaller businesses will return to 2019 payouts, while FTSE 100 stocks likely never will. This could precipitate a shift away from large caps to a point where two thirds of the portfolio is in small and medium-sized companies.

Share price performance has been disappointing but Questor sees a way out for the managers given British businesses are due a comeback. Combined with a stable dividend, it deserves its place in the Income Portfolio.

Questor says: hold

Ticker: LWI

Share price at close: £11.75

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