Quit whining that the Barbie movie is ‘feminist propaganda’ and admit we aren’t perfect | Opinion

Learn the facts

As a self-described feminist for going on 50 years, I was interested to hear multiple commentators say the new “Barbie the Movie” is “feminist propaganda.” The definition of a feminist is a person who supports women. I seriously hope that all the men in my life — including spouse, relatives and friends — are feminists.

This reminds me of individuals who want to call teaching the history of slavery in the U.S. “critical race theory.” History is history. No one in the history of the world has ancestors who were perfect. I personally have relatives who served with the Irish Republican Army in Belfast.

Not being proud of every aspect of our history doesn’t mean we should call telling the truth about uncomfortable facts “propaganda” and wipe it away. Own it, learn from it and move on. Never forget.

- Kate Riha, Kansas City

Energy inanity

In The Star’s July 21 front-page story “Evergy plans to request rate increase to power Panasonic,” about Evergy’s plans to provide power to the new Panasonic battery plant under construction in De Soto, two points jump out:

1. Evergy wants to raise rates for all Kansas customers to pay for the costs of providing power for the factory.

2. The utility will generate the electricity at a coal-fired plant in Lawrence. At a later date, this generating facility might be converted to natural gas.

The irony is that Panasonic is making batteries to help combat climate change and global warming. Burning fossil negates the reason for the plant.

The plant will have acres of roofs on which could be mounted a major installation of solar panels. In addition, Panasonic could install wind turbines and ground-mounted solar panel arrays on adjacent land. The company could also provide battery backup as needed.

The entire installation of wind, solar and batteries could be eligible for a rebate of 30% or more from the federal government. The whole plant could be off the grid.

I hope Gov. Laura Kelly will stop this nonsense.

- Robert Simon, Overland Park

Election reality

Comprehensive civics is no longer required in many public schools, but it should be. Self-government relies on a well-informed citizenry. The Star has published a series of articles about otherwise law-abiding area residents who were caught up in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection in Washington, D.C., and must now face the consequences. (July 23, 4A, “Another Missouri man charged in Jan. 6 Capitol riot”)

The rioters’ actions were all for naught, as the state electors had already met, counted votes and named the president in accord with Article II, Section 1 and Amendment 12 of the U.S. Constitution. Despite what they were told, the vice president had no authority to reject that.

Previous election losers swallowed their pride, accepted their losses and congratulated the winners. This tradition must continue for the good of the country.

- Kenneth Lee, Raytown

Early Christmas?

Dear Santa:

I know I haven’t been overly good this year. I’m guessing you probably still remember the time I stuck that big wad of chewing gum in my sister’s hair and set fire to the couch with my father’s cigarette lighter.

However, if you could help the Royals win a few more games before Christmas, then I will try to be really good for the rest of the year and eat all my vegetables like my mommy tells me to.

My father used to go to the games, but now he just sits in front of the TV with some buddies drinking beer, and afterward, they all get drunk they cuss and scream at the screen, especially when the Royals start losing again.

My mother takes us kids over to her sister’s place during the games so we won’t hear any of this. She said that she may need something called therapy if this keeps up.

I will leave you milk and cookies by the tree.


Little Billy

- William Jour, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada