R2-D2 coffee press is your new hope for caffeination


R2-D2 is a cool droid, a great friend and a reliable messenger. But wouldn't it be better if it could also dispense coffee?

Starting in November, that dream will become reality. In anticipation of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, ThinkGeek is releasing a coffee press modeled after the beloved, beepy droid. 

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Image: thinkgeek

Like the original Artoo, the press has a delightful dome-shaped body and delivers just about all the nostalgia your brain can handle. Unlike the original Artoo, it holds 32 ounces of coffee (about four cups) and is dishwasher-safe.

And you don't even have to barter with Jawas to get it. All you have to do is wait until early November, then pay $39.99. Much easier.

Image: thinkgeek

No word yet on whether there will be a C-3PO coffee grinder.

[H/T: Gizmodo]

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