Race in America: Prison Reform

Prisons have become hotbeds for COVID-19 with over 50,000 cases recorded since June 30. Cramped conditions and limited access to soap and masks, as well as overtaxed medical facilities, have left the incarcerated exceedingly vulnerable. Rates of infection continue to rise. This crisis has increased the urgency of prison reform advocates pushing for humane practices across the criminal justice system. On Thursday, July 16 at 3:00 p.m. ET., artist and activist Common joins Washington Post Live to talk about his efforts to increase awareness around prison reform. “Just Mercy” executive producer and founder of the Anti-Recidivism Coalition, Scott Budnick, and campaign ambassador for Represent Justice, Jarrett Harper, will also join the program to discuss the grave impact of the pandemic on U.S. prisons. Washington Post columnist Michele Norris will moderate both conversations.