Rain, rain go this way: New gardening course focuses on reducing storm water runoff

Five Questions with Rome Marinelli, a drainage specialist at the Stark Soil & Water Conservation District,  at a recent job site in North Lawrence.  Friday, March 25, 2022.
Five Questions with Rome Marinelli, a drainage specialist at the Stark Soil & Water Conservation District, at a recent job site in North Lawrence. Friday, March 25, 2022.

MASSILLON ‒ It's often said when it rains it pours.

That sentiment rings true for streams and municipal storm water systems.

As rain lands on roofs and driveways, it collects pollutants such as exhaust fluid, fertilizers, pet waste and salts. That water then is carried to nearby streams or overwhelms drainage systems.

Enter rain gardens.

This type of infrastructure helps reduce the amount of pollution that ends up in bodies of water. And a new six-week program aims to help Stark County residents learn how to build their own rain gardens.

The Stark County Soil and Water Conservation District will begin offering a Master Rain Gardener Certification Course this month.

What is a rain garden?

A rain garden is a depressed area that collects rain water and allows it to soak into the ground. These gardens reduce runoff from a property and "help filter out pollutants in runoff and provide food and shelter for butterflies, song birds and other wildlife," according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

"A rain garden is beneficial for a multitude of reasons," Rome Marinelli, drainage specialist at the Stark Soil and Water Conservation District. "But the main goal is to capture storm water. So any water that lands on our roofs, driveways, whatever. Capture that water and keep it from going in to any storm drains or any roadside drains or any ditches."

Up to 70% of pollution found in streams, rivers and lakes is brought there by runoff from yards and gardens, according to Michigan State University Extension. Marinelli said a great deal of storm water pollution in the area eventually ends up in the Tuscarawas River.

Having a rain garden can help minimize the problem.

"(It) helps to intercept all of that water and the pollutants with it and allows it to naturally filtrate into the soil, keeping those pollutants out of waterways," Marinelli said.

The district's Master Rain Garden Certification Course will teach participants about the benefits of building a rain garden on their property and take them through the step-by-step process. Marinelli will lead the class.

"It is a very much baby-step, layered approach," Marinelli said, "because there is a lot that goes in to building a rain garden. We'll walk you through what rain gardens are, how they function, how soils play a role in that, how plants play a role in that, how to build that rain garden, how to design that space."

The program originated in Washtenaw County, Michigan. Marinelli said several areas in Ohio have recently started adopting the program. The Stark Soil and Water Conservation District worked with the program's creators to design the course and tailor it for soils found in Ohio.

Marinelli said there is interest in rain gardening in Stark County, "but the know-to or the how-to or the ability to sometimes is the hindering component."

As a drainage specialist, Marinelli meets with residents who have issues with drainage on their properties. One of the solutions he often recommends is putting in a rain garden. But a lot of people have never heard of it before, he said, and aren't sure where to begin.

His hope is that the course will give people the necessary knowledge to build their own rain gardens. He said his goal is to eventually start offering the class in the spring.

John Weedon, executive director of the Stark Soil and Water Conservation District, put a rain garden on his property in 2021. He worked with a colleague to design the garden and select plants to put in it. The level of difficulty, he said, isn't high.

"The biggest thing is it requires maintenance. ... I weed it once a week. I lost some plants last year, so I had to restock some of it," Weedon said.

He said it's worth the effort, especially in the summer when the garden attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.

"It's fun, and it looks beautiful," he said. "How could you not like flowers?"

Anyone interested in registering for the course can call 330-451-7646 or stop by the agency's office. The course is $25 per person. Participants will receive a master rain gardener display sign.

Classes will take place Thursdays Sept. 15 through Oct. 20 from 10 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. at the Stark Soil and Water Conservation District office building at 2650 Richville Drive NE.

Reach Paige at (330) 580-8577 or pmbennett@gannett.com or on Twitter at @paigembenn.

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Stark Soil and Water District offers new rain garden course