Raising awareness about fireworks and firearm discharges

Dec. 16—The Jacksonville Police and Fire Departments are raising awareness regarding the dangers of fireworks and celebratory gunfire.

Discharging weapons and shooting off fireworks are unlawful in the city limits and a violation of either regulation can result in a citation or an arrest.

Celebratory gunfire, which is illegal, is a dangerous misuse of firearms. The departments warn that such gunfire leads to falling projectiles which cause property damage and multiple injuries and deaths every year across the nation.

"Shooting guns in the air is not an appropriate means of celebrating," stated the joint statement. "Police will be on patrol."

The departments also reminded residents that fireworks pose a potential risk of fire and a significant injury risk. To protect self, neighbors and personal property, residents are asked to leave fireworks to trained professionals at organized displays.

Residents are encouraged by the departments to share this information to help keep the community safe this holiday season.

To report unlawful fireworks and celebratory gunfire to the Jacksonville Police Department, call 903-586-2546. Callers who do not wish to leave their names may inform the dispatcher of their desire to remain anonymous.

Anyone who feels they are in immediate danger are urged to dial 911.

For questions, contact Amanda Bragg, Community Engagement Coordinator, at amanda.bragg@jacksonvilletx.org.