Ranchers Wildfire Field Day set for Feb. 18

Feb. 9—The University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) announced recently that it will be hosting a Ranchers Wildfire Field Day on Friday, Feb. 18, in Browns Valley to help educate rangeland livestock producers on wildfire prevention techniques.

The event, in conjunction with the California Cattle Council, will take place Feb. 18 at the UC Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center in Browns Valley and cost $5 per person. Lunch will be sponsored by the California Cattle Council.

According to UCCE, the agenda for the event will include rancher panel discussions, presentations on fire behavior, wildfire preparation, prescribed fire and sheltering-in-place options, and policy updates from the California Cattlemen's Association, California Farm Bureau Federation and California Wool Growers Association.

To register, visit http://ucanr.edu/2020_ranchers_wildfire_field_day.