Rangers 4-H members learn about summer activities

Rangers 4-H members Gia Welsh, Allen Bettross and Grace Hall were winners of an Easter egg roll at the club's April meeting.
Rangers 4-H members Gia Welsh, Allen Bettross and Grace Hall were winners of an Easter egg roll at the club's April meeting.

Youngsters in Western Reserve Rangers 4-H Club have enjoyed numerous activities over the past few months.

To celebrate National Apple Pie Day, the club’s recreation leader, Ciera Welsh, led a Hot Apple Pass game at the May 12 meeting. Delaney Crytzer won, and then health leader Carissa Byler shared health benefits of eating green apples.

Club advisers Karen and Bob Day shared with the group their 34-year history as 4-H advisers and 4-H parents. They encouraged the members to get involved in county and state 4-H activities and camps.

Sewing Learnshops will be June 14 and June 16 at the Mosers in Berlin Center. Participation in 4-H Junior Camp and Canfield July 4 parade were discussed.

During an April club meeting, Natalia Kresic announced she will work as a staff member at R-H Camp Whitewood this summer.

Rangers 4-H Club next will meet at 7 p.m. June 9 at Ellsworth Fire Hall.

This article originally appeared on The Alliance Review: Rangers 4-H members learn about summer activities