Readers make their closing arguments on the Nov. 8 mid-term election: Letters

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Note to readers:

Find our Seacoast Sunday opinion columns at and They are running online only this week so that we can run all the letters we received prior to the Nov. 8 election.

Bill Shaheen: Dr. Sherman is the governor NH needs now

Nov. 1 − To the Editor:

New Hampshire is my home. I was born and raised here. My wife, Jeanne, and I raised our family here and now our grandchildren are being raised here. We have dedicated our lives to making New Hampshire a better place to live, work and raise a family. I love this state and am proud to support Jeanne in all the ways she has served our state.

I am also proud of the opportunity I have had to travel across New Hampshire with Dr. Tom Sherman in his campaign for governor. Dr. Tom Sherman is exactly what New Hampshire needs now. Everywhere we go, it’s clear that Tom understands the problems Granite Staters are facing, and he has a plan for how to address them. Whether it’s protecting women’s reproductive health care and the freedom to choose, supporting our public schools, or working to produce more goods and energy in New Hampshire, Tom understands the challenges our state faces.

I was outraged when Chris Sununu signed an abortion ban, and I’m even more disgusted by his repeated refusal to take responsibility for his actions. That’s not leadership. New Hampshire needs Dr. Tom Sherman as its next governor. If we all spend the coming days talking to our friends and neighbors about what’s at stake, he’ll be elected on Nov. 8. Each day between now and the election, call your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues and ask them to vote for Dr. Tom Sherman. If they tell you Chris Sununu isn’t so bad, tell them New Hampshire deserves so much better than “not so bad.” Tell them New Hampshire deserves a governor who will fight for them. We deserve a governor who will stand up for us. New Hampshire deserves a governor like Dr. Tom Sherman.

Bill Shaheen


The mid-term election will take place Tuesday, Nov. 8.
The mid-term election will take place Tuesday, Nov. 8.

Ads by Hassan and Pappas are misleading

Oct. 31 − To the Editor:

US Senator Maggie Hassan has a continually running ad boasting her vote to reduce prescription drug costs. She does not disclose that the cost reductions only apply to Medicare patients.

U.S. Representative Chris Pappas runs an ad stating "One third of women live in states with abortion bans." To the listener this means no abortions at any time. He further states there is a bill in Congress to ban abortion nationwide even in NH. Here he goes again, no abortions, period. This is untrue. NH has no restrictions on abortion up to 24 weeks (6 months) of pregnancy and then the restriction is eliminated to save the mother's life and in the case of a deceased fetus. Further, since the Supreme Court held the issue is a state issue any national law should fail except in some extreme cases.

Tom Pearson


Support candidates who support Democracy: Hassan, Pappas and Kuster

Oct. 31 − To the Editor:

This past week I went to The Portsmouth Library and borrowed "Seven Days In May," a frightening 1963 movie about a coup to overthrow the United States Government.  Directed by John Frankenheimer, who in a commentary explains that then-President John F. Kennedy encouraged the making of the film because of his own concerns about the possibilities of a coup, the movie describes "7 days" when military leaders plot to replace the president.  For movie buffs, the B&W movie − so important for the texture and tone of the film − stars Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Frederic March, Ava Gardner, and other legends.

As we have learned more details about the role of Vice President Mike Pence during the January 6th insurrection coup, and his pivotal and firm decision to refuse the insistence of his Secret Service detail that he get into his limousine and leave the Capitol, we should be even more concerned about what could have happened on that day.  If taken from the Capitol and deposited who knows where, January 6th might have had a different ending.

"Seven Days In May" has a lot of parallels to January 6th. The "Big Lie," almost resulted in a coup. Some well-placed people were in positions of power plotting a way to prevent a president-elect from being inaugurated just 14 days later. The danger to America of that lie is we almost lost our democracy. Although it failed, that it occurred at all is a warning that next time it could succeed. Good people might not be in the right places at the right time.

Here in New Hampshire, we should support candidates who clearly support democracy, and the America we love.  Our choices are clear:  Maggie Hassan for U.S. Senate, and re-elect Chris Pappas and Annie Kuster to Congress.

Jim Splaine


If you value Social Security, vote Chris Pappas for Congress

Oct. 31 − To the Editor:

Social Security is very important to older people, who rely on that money once they retire. I know. I myself paid into it for many years and now I rely on it. Throughout those years, Congress has had to work together whenever the fund needed more money, but they have always done that in a bipartisan manner. But now we have some candidates running for Congress who do not understand how it works and think it should come to an end.

Sadly, our still very young Republican candidate for Congress in our district says if she beats our Democratic Congressman Chris Pappas, she looks forward to introducing legislation to privatize Social Security. She doesn’t understand why we and America’s future generations as well must have Social Security. This is a very close election. If you have Social Security or plan to have Social Security, bring everyone you know to the polls on Tuesday, November 8 to vote for Congressman Pappas.

Shirley Sauvageau


Republicans complain about inflation but offer no solutions

Oct. 31 − To the Editor:

The current high inflation was mainly caused by world-wide supply chain problems, a result of the pandemic. Illness, death, and lockdowns, greatly reduced goods manufactured. Then massive delays in shipping, especially from China, left thousands of container ships stranded, waiting months to load and unload cargoes.

On the one hand we have a shortage of goods, on the other people with money to spend—too many dollars chasing too few goods, so the price of goods is bid up.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine led to worldwide shortages of oil and gas and grain. Fuel prices rose abruptly, leading to a rise in prices of everything dependent on fuel, which is just about everything, especially farm goods.

This is not a problem brought on by Joe Biden or the Democrats. In fact, the Republicans, who are running on inflation, have offered no policies whatsoever to deal with the inflation problem!

The steps being taken by the federal reserve, the untangling of the supply chain snafu, and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, will bring down inflation. In fact, inflation is already going down!

The overwhelming majority of Americans were in favor of the Inflation Reduction Act. But not a single Republican Senator or Congressman voted for it, the Democrats alone passed inflation reducing legislation!

When given the opportunity to do something about inflation, Republicans refused.

Vote Democrat down the line!

Michael Frandzel


Joanne Ward for Stratham State Representative

Oct. 31 − To the Editor:

Joanne Ward is a candidate for State Representative for the town of Stratham.  The Honorable Joanne Ward will be running for her third term in the State House, after taking a hiatus between terms.

In Wards previous terms she was a member of the Health, Human Services and Aging Committee as well as the Labor committee.  She has a background in healthcare, as a Diabetes Educator and community nutrition.

During her previous terms, Ward sponsored numerous pieces of legislation focusing on healthcare, protecting vulnerable adults as well as addressing the opioid epidemic.

Ward has a degree in education from Rhode Island College and a second degree in Nutrition Science from the University of Rhode Island.  She also completed a dietetic internship at Brown University affiliated hospital.

In the private sector, Ward worked at WIC nutrition in a high risk prenatal clinic and transitioned into clinical care specializing in oncology and pediatric nutrition.  Upon moving to Stratham, Joanne became the Chief Clinical Manager at Portsmouth Regional Hospital where she specialized in Diabetes Education. Joanne left  hospital employment. To work in administration on  a meals on wheels program and she became a member on the State Committee on Aging.  Her last paid employment was working for a long term care-rehabilitation center.

After becoming a foster mom to three teenage girls, Ward “retired” and immersed herself as an advocate in the education and DCYF systems.

Joanne is very knowledgeable on health care law and issues facing the state system of care. Her focus is on protecting children and family rights and ensuring a safe and drug free community.  You can discuss healthcare or education issues and she is a great resource. She has been involved in politics for many years and has a keen interest in the cost of living and keeping the granite state affordable for New Hampshire.

 Stella Scamman


Vote Debra Altschiller to protect safe water for the Seacoast

Oct 31 - To the Editor:

My home town of Rye is currently experiencing a water crisis. And, lately, we have become more attuned to the threats to our water supply as local wells and aquifers have suffered contamination from decades-old polluters and formerly inadequate prevention measures. We are much more alert and aware of the dangers of not vigorously protecting our water resources and we are demanding better.

This year, I’m voting for legislators that will protect our environment and keep our water clean. Rep. Debra Altschiller, running for state Senate in District 24, is that legislator. During her time in the House of Representatives, she never missed a vote and opportunity to advocate for water protections and to hold polluters responsible for their messes. She worked with state Sen. Dr. Tom Sherman to extend the service of the Seacoast cancer cluster investigation committee. She takes environmental protection seriously.

The work of protecting our water supplies is ongoing. Currently, an aviation fueling company, Million Air, is looking to expand their operations by moving into Pease Air Base. They have barely landed in our community and they want an exception to our wetlands protections in our zoning codes. Why? They want to build a road over our wetlands and aquifer, a natural habitat and connection to our Seacoast water supply. They want to truck plane fuel onto the base: a fuel spill, on this special exception roadway, would be disastrous for both our drinking water and the natural environment.

To be clear, Million Air is welcome here and we encourage them to bring their business to our community. However, there is other space that is available right now and requires no special exceptions to build over fragile wetlands. Why not build there? We would like to welcome them and have them respect our community by protecting our water resources from potential contamination by the product they transport.

We need legislators in Concord who will stand up for us and for protecting our environment. Rep. Debra Altschiller is endorsed by the Sierra Club and is supported by the Responsible Environment Protection NH group in her run to be our next State Senator. That’s why I’m voting for Debra Altschiller: she will do everything in her power to protect our water and our environment.

Dania Seiglie


Note: Debra Altschiller is the wife of Seacoast Media Group executive editor Howard Altschiller.

Fostering Big Lie disqualifies both Leavitt and Bolduc from high office

Nov. 1 -- To the Editor:

New Hampshire should send Maggie Hassan back to the Senate and Chris Pappas back to the House of Representatives, to continue the excellent work they have done on behalf of New Hampshire citizens, working families, and cities and towns.  Both of these contests – Hassan’s against Don Bolduc and Pappas’s against Karoline Leavitt – are examples of one candidate working in the legislative process for solutions, and one candidate making their name through brazen election denial and by clutching onto and extending the Big Lie.

Congressman Pappas’s opponent is 25-year old Karoline Leavitt, a former staff member in the Trump Administration who rode the Big Lie to a primary win, and asserted that she would support a nationwide audit to prove Trump won the 2020 election.  She says she would make abortion rights and access more restrictive, would privatize Social Security, would reduce entitlements, and thinks climate change is fake.  Senator Hassan’s opponent is Don Bolduc, a retired General whose entire campaign seemed to focus on his assertion that Trump won the 2020 election – without any explanation for the 60-plus lawsuits lost, or the down ballot success of other Republicans – only to recant in the days after he won the primary, and then rekindle the Big Lie in the following days.

Election denial should be disqualifying for a candidate seeking office in this country.  The corrosive power of the former President’s lies – in the face of overwhelming popular and Electoral College defeat, significant down-ballot success of other GOP office-seekers, over 60 court cases in which no vote fraud or material irregularity was found, and state-run recounts and audits confirming Biden’s win in 2020 – go to the heart of the fragile social contract that holds our democratic republic together.  Don Bolduc used the Lie as a ladder in the primary. Karoline Leavitt adheres to the malicious fiction foisted on the electorate by her former boss.

Democracy turns and relies on trust in this most basic of propositions: that elections actually decide who will represent us for the next 2, 4 or 6 years.  The capacity to concede defeat in an election is crucial to democracy; raising your profile to run a campaign for the House or the Senate by fostering and repeating Big Lie disqualifies both Leavitt and Bolduc from high office, and from the positions of trust and confidence that they now seek.  In contrast, Hassan and Pappas have worked hard for New Hampshire citizens, adhered to basic political and social norms.  Until the GOP fields candidates who actually endorse the bedrock principles of democracy, voters who hold it dear should refuse to vote for them.

Christopher Cole


To busy moms, from busy moms: Make a plan to vote on Nov. 8

Nov. 1 − To the Editor:

This weekend, when Dr. Jill Biden visited Portsmouth, she asked us to imagine a mom, waking up early, making breakfast, packing their child’s lunch, dropping them at school, going to work – and after a busy day, remembering to stop at the store for supplies for a school project.  On Nov. 8, she asked us to imagine when this mom (or any busy parent or person) will remember to fit in voting on their long “to-do” list.

As two busy moms with young kids we can relate all too well to her story.  But as two moms who also serve as the Chair and Vice Chair of the Portsmouth Democrats, we are asking you to remember to make a plan to vote on Nov. 8.

This midterm election may be the most consequential of our lifetime.  From funding public education to protecting women’s rights, not to mention saving our democracy – so much is at stake.  We must not only send our federal delegation back to Congress – we must flip Concord blue!  And this year we have several State Representatives from Portsmouth fending off Free Staters, Republicans and extremists!

Defending our democracy starts in Portsmouth!

And since we know you will be too busy to read a long letter, we have tried to make it simple. Go to our website ( where you will find your polling location and ward, candidates, and sample ballots.   Remember to vote BLUE all the way THROUGH – that means to the end of page TWO!  Please share the website with your friends, family, and neighbors.

And remember, on Nov. 8 – VOTE!

Shanika Amarakoon, Chair, Katie Kiernan Marble, Vice Chair

Portsmouth Democrats

Please cast your vote for Jaci Grote as State Rep in Rye and Greenland

Nov. 1 − To the Editor:

There are many reasons to re-elect State Representative Jaci Grote who is currently running to represent Rye and Greenland. She has consistently worked with colleagues across party lines to wholeheartedly support measures to protect families, people of all ages, the environment, and communities in our state.  She has her finger on the pulse of what’s important to her constituents in the Seacoast of New Hampshire, where she has lived for 35 years, and can make things happen in Concord.

We were able to personally observe Jaci’s indefatigable efforts to pass legislation on behalf of families with children diagnosed with PANDAS and PANS to ensure insurance coverage for physician-prescribed treatments. She was responsive to our questions, readily made herself available, and was a good listener, all essential qualities of an effective state representative.

Please cast your vote for Jaci Grote as State Rep in Rye and Greenland.

Christine M. Metzner, Secretary; Susan Newman Manfull, Executive DirectorThe Alex Manfull Fund, supporting PANDAS/PANS Awareness, Education, and ResearchRye and Portsmouth

We are proud to support Maggie Hassan and Chris Pappas

Nov. 1 − To the Editor:

Elections are the hallmark of our democracy and the actual mechanism for preserving our form of governance.  This November, arguably more than any election in our lifetimes, the viability of our representative democracy is on the line.

Disinformation campaigns, blatant voter suppression tactics, and even political violence seek to corrode the very process of American democracy.  In the face of these assaults, we are proud to stand with our junior Senator Maggie Hassan and our Congressman Chris Pappas.  Both have established records as consistent problem solvers who are invariably responsive to us, their constituents.

Election deniers and extreme right-wing candidates, backed by dark money from out of state, will not serve New Hampshire's communities at this defining time in our nation's history.  This November 8th let's all show up and VOTE for the candidates who have shown us they will protect our rights and our democracy here in the Granite State and beyond.

Alice Passer, MD,  Greenland; Ronna Flaschner, Rye

Reject Republican candidates who deny proven election results

Nov. 1 − To the Editor:

The foundation of our democracy is the acceptance of certified election results and the peaceful transfer of power. Any challenge to an election should be based on actual evidence, not on unsubstantiated charges and theories. Moreover, anyone seeking public office ought to be held accountable for their commitment to these bedrock democratic principles.

On Nov. 8, New Hampshire voters will choose representatives to the United States Senate and to the House of Representatives, respectively. The Republican candidates for the Senate and for the first Congressional District have spent the past two years promoting a fraudulent 2020 Presidential election despite certification of election results by all fifty Secretaries of State. Challenges in over sixty court proceedings and various state recounts and audits did not change the certified state results.

When you vote in next week's election, please remember the disqualifying judgement displayed by both Republican candidates to support and to defend our long held democratic traditions.

Michael Shea


Please vote Tom Sherman for NH governor

Nov. 1 − To the Editor:

Governor Sununu is not the governor we elected in 2016. He has dramatically changed. If you need proof to fully understand how much our once purple governor, who found middle ground in supporting all of us in New Hampshire, has transformed his message and demeanor becoming unrecognizably frightening, please watch his recent October 30 interview on Meet the Press.

For 35 years, I’ve been comfortable living within the swing state voting of New Hampshire. Our history of fluctuating between Republican and Democratic leaders throughout the years has helped us all become more tolerant. When Trump came to NH during COVID, Sununu didn’t greet him in big crowds understanding the importance of staying safe, while promoting vaccinations.

Last week, when simply asked if he thought the inflation issue is enough to rationalize support of Don Buldoc, an election denialist, Sununu’s explosive language and frantic behavior was uncharacteristic. His answer shot back with an attack in the mold of Republican extremism.

Chris Sununu has always been known to speak out of both sides of his mouth on any issue, but now appears to be firmly entrenched in radical Trumpism. Let’s not let New Hampshire lose its way. We must return to government for all the people.

Vote for Dr Tom Sherman, vote for a sane and rational New Hampshire government.

Amy Feitelson, MD


Disinfected Don Bolduc for senate?

Nov. 1 − To the Editor:

Apparently spring is no longer the time to clean house and rid yourself of unnecessary baggage.  No, autumn, and particularly just before an election, is now the preferred time for certain politicians.

Dan Hurley's  op-ed piece does a pretty good job of tidying up and whitewashing Don Bolduc and his political past.  Mr. Hurley suggests that Disinfected Don had no more than a "patriotic" concern about the 2020 election, because, and I quote, there  was "cause to look into the election tallies given some of the many stories that were circulating regarding possible improprieties at the polls."  Wow, that's a mouthful!  And who was circulating these many stories?   Don Bolduc, for one.

It is quite clear  Bolduc has been beating the "Big Lie" drum for nearly two years since the election, and has been the 'stop the steal' candidate right through the primary, until he had a sudden epiphany  before the general election.  Don has flipped himself into the election utopia guy, and with politicians, where there's a flip, there's a flop!  Hurley and everyone else know exactly what Bolduc will do, if elected--go right back to the Big Lie with the MAGA Repubs to eliminate democratic voting as we know it.  Even Sununu called him a conspiracy theory extremist- and yes, then the governor did a little house cleaning himself this fall.

Oddly enough, Dan Hurley references the 1960's election as tepid proof of election fraud.  The fact that he has to go back hundreds and hundreds of national elections, an entire lifetime--doesn't that show that we have a pretty stable and reliable voting system? May I offer a slightly more recent example to offset Bolduc's Big Lie theory? Sorry, I should say Don's 'previous Big Lie theory', because, well, the epiphany and all.

How about 2020-21, Maricopa County AZ--this was the ground zero of Republican massive voter fraud.  They insisted on, and had a right to, a recount of the vote, as there was 'no way Biden could have won'.  After that, they insisted on another recount, run by Republicans mind you--hand counting, the works, and still no 'rampant fraud'.  Then they brought in the Trump friendly 'Cyber Ninjas' for an eight month recount, and they were only able to come up with MORE votes for Biden!  After that...crickets, as far as recounts go.  And yet, Hurley's hints of fraud continue.Voters have many things to consider in this upcoming election.  Do you believe official republican recounts, or do you go with the folks who continue to yell 'we have proof' yet reveal nothing?  Do you accept 'I have been anti-abortion all my life', or  'I now have no opinion on abortion'?  Do you believe  Don 'Sop the Steal' Bolduc, or Don 'I've seen the light' Bolduc?  When you vote, choose wisely-democracy is on the line this time!

Paul Shumway

New Castle

NH Women’s Foundation encourages you to vote your values on Tuesday

Nov. 1 − To the Editor:

On November 8, voters across New Hampshire will have an opportunity to respond at the voting booth to recent attacks on women’s rights and freedoms.

From the Supreme Court and Congress to the New Hampshire legislature and Executive Council, we have seen attacks on women’s freedom, rights, and access to health care. Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade and the federal right to abortion, attacks on reproductive freedom in our New Hampshire legislature are more dangerous than ever.

Two years ago New Hampshire legislators passed, and Governor Sununu signed into law, an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape, incest, or the health of the mother. The Executive Council voted four times to defund three family planning clinics and recently voted to defund after-school sex-ed and teen-parent resource programs that have effectively reduced teen pregnancies in New Hampshire. This is impacting not just women’s health and freedom but their economic self-determination.

There is no reason a politician - federal, state, or local – should be involved in anyone’s personal health care decision. As we’ve seen, when legislators try to regulate women’s health, it ends up harming women. The vast majority of Granite Staters agree: Women can make decisions for themselves. With their doctor. Without a NH legislator weighing in.

Use the power of your vote on November 8th to choose federal and state candidates who stand up to extremists, support women’s rights, freedom, and autonomy, and won’t put barriers between you and your healthcare.

Tanna Clews

CEO, NH Women’s Foundation

You can judge Karoline Leavitt by the company she keeps

Nov. 1 − To the Editor:

Republican congressional candidate Karoline Leavitt is a newcomer to politics, but she already knows whom she’ll hang with if she gets to Congress. Here’s why we must stop her: vicious Ted Cruz loves her, along with extremists Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, and Madison Cawthorn. Among other endorsements, there's one from insurrectionist Congressman Jim Jordan, who’ll head the Judiciary Committee if Republicans win the House. Jordan tried to overturn the election and admits that he was in contact with Donald Trump on January 6th, when the United States Capitol and our police were violently attacked by Trump supporters, who also hunted Members of Congress.  Jordan said, “I talked to the President a number of times that day…” Voters need to ask themselves “about what?” because he refuses to say.

The number three House Republican, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, supports Leavitt. Stefanik tried to overturn the election too. Her local paper, The Times Union, said, “Contrary to her former image as one of the more bipartisan members of the House, she routinely echoes the divisive rhetoric of right-wing radio, TV, and fringe web pundits, casting her political opponents as radicals.” They added, “Ms. Stefanik has sunk from one low to another in appealing to the most ardent members of Mr. Trump's MAGA movement.” Stefanik says she’s “ultra MAGA.”

These are Leavitt’s heroes because she’s another election denying extremist, spewing venomous conspiracies. Politicians must stop the hate and conspiracies that lead to violence. Tell Karoline Leavitt that by voting against her on November 8th.

Kathy Cavallaro 


Gov. Sununu fails to protect funding for food insecure children

Nov. 1 − To the Editor:

In the immediate and ongoing wake of the pandemic which has upended all of our lives, but particularly our children’s, Governor Sununu has failed recently to take executive action to potentially help seven thousand of our most food insecure children in NH. By refusing to accept additional federal funding from the US Department of Agriculture and letting that funding deadline pass, despite months of bipartisan urging to apply, Governor Sununu has left hungry NH children without adequate access to the nutrition they desperately need.

This funding would have extended benefits to approximately 7000 children who could qualify under new guidelines that link Medicaid enrollment to the free and reduced lunch program. Instead, 7000 NH children have gone back to school hungry. Educators, as well as other professionals responsible for the welfare of children, identify food security-knowing where a child’s next meal will come from and that it will be adequate-critical to a child’s present and future health, ability to learn, and emotional stability and well being.

The children of this state are the responsibility of all of us. They should be accorded the same benefits all of our residents. Governor Sununu has chosen politics over hungry children. This is not the right choice for the residents of NH. When an elected official fails to protect our youngest and most vulnerable residents, the voters should look for different leadership. Please vote NO on re-electing Governor Sununu.

Cynthia Gunn


This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Seacoast readers' closing arguments on Nov. 8 mid-term election: Letters