Readers sound off on the impeachment hearings

On Wednesday, the House Intelligence Committee conducted the first day of public testimony in the impeachment investigation of President Donald Trump. The witnesses included Ambassador Bill Taylor, the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, and George Kent, deputy assistant secretary at the State Department. A roundup of reaction from USA TODAY readers:

The swamp has overflowed

Letter to the editor:

Republicans try to defend President Trump's Ukraine dilemma by saying there was ultimately no investigation of the Bidens, and the Ukrainians did get their money. The fact of the matter is, according to testimony, the president did threaten to hold up funds if Ukraine didn't dig up dirt on the Bidens. That, in my book, amounts to a clear violation of our Constitution or attempted extortion. Add that to President Trump's pathological lying, his foul-mouthed rhetoric and his mean, confrontational "style" (including abandoning our ally, the Kurds), among other shortcomings, and I would say impeachment is necessary if we are to get back to living under constitutional law, as opposed to a wannabe dictator's idea of law. Indeed, impeachment is the way to go to remove this unpresidential president whose questionable behavior brought all of this on himself.

Herbert W. Stark; Mooresville, N.C.

Letter to the editor:

The swamp has overflowed the Capitol basement. A staffer says he overheard a telephone conversation in a restaurant that allegedly had Trump asking about investigating former Vice President Joe Biden. Democrats believe they can change minds in the Senate with third-person hearsay. They should be worried that their House members might be the only ones changing their minds.

Bob Munson; Newbury Park, Calif.

Letter to the editor:

House Republicans face a quandary. Either blindly ignore evidence to defend President Trump or defend the Constitution. They cannot do both. Our democracy is on the line.

Sidney Weissman; Chicago, Ill.

Impeachment hearings
Impeachment hearings

Letter to the editor:

Q: How long will the impeachment process take to conclude?

A: However long it takes for Hunter Biden to learn a few phrases in Ukrainian, probably to include, “I really, really, really earned that money.”

Dwayne Keith; Valrico, Fla.

Letter to the editor:

Members of the Republican Party see themselves as public defenders, not legislators. There is a huge difference, and you can see it in plain sight at these impeachment hearings. Instead of working to unveil truth, they choose to intimidate and belittle witnesses while pontificating on their own ridiculous opinions. The president should be compensating his party for their legal services.

Bob Bascelli; Seaford, N.Y.

Letter to the editor:

If Republican congressmen and senators privately wish that President Trump was no longer around and yet they are scared to cross him because of the possible repercussions and damage to their political futures, there is a solution. Impeach Trump, remove him from office and he will be gone. No longer riding on Trump’s coattails, there could be voter backlash. If so, stand up for yourself. Be your own person and not this man’s puppet. Run for reelection on the basis of your own merits, your own record and your vision for this country’s future. If that’s not enough for you to win the votes of those who sent you to Washington in the first place, then I’m sure that you are resourceful enough and smart enough to find something else to do for a living.

Vernon A. Edington; Silverhill, Ala.

Facebook comments edited for style and clarity:

As an American, I am disappointed that neither party is focused on constitutional law. Instead, they are playing political partisanship. Both parties are glaringly guilty and clearly demonstrate what is the major flaw of our Congress.

Larry Holland

Wednesday's impeachment hearing did not change my mind. I have been following this from the start. The evidence is clear that President Donald Trump abused his power and sought to use it to help him win in 2020.

Steve Miotto

Dems should drop it now if that's their best (un)witnesses. They are making a great case to convict the Bidens, though.

Mark Beatty

Despite all the GOP efforts to complicate matters, a single fact remains. In the July 25 phone call transcript, Trump asks for Ukraine to investigate Biden by name. In 2016, Biden was grieving for his son, so there can be no other reason to investigate him except as a preemptive strike before the 2020 campaign.

Jay Schleifer

No wonder the world hates the United States. It's because our government is so corrupt!

Charles Parker

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Impeachment proceedings have Republicans cornered: Readers sound off