Reading to dogs at Chillicothe library helps children develop critical skills

Takeo the therapy dog listens to many different stories each week as participants get to choose whatever book they want within their reading level.
Takeo the therapy dog listens to many different stories each week as participants get to choose whatever book they want within their reading level.

CHILLICOTHE—On Mondays at the Chillicothe and Ross County Public Library a special story time takes place where instead of being read to, students do the reading to a furry friend. The licensed therapy dog listens to children as they develop their reading skills without fear of being judged.

When a child reads to themselves they can skip over words they don't know but when reading aloud they are more likely to sound out the words, which helps build their vocabulary. Reading aloud also helps children learn about expressive reading and learn to enjoy books.

"Takeo doesn't judge anybody," said owner Marilyn Gawelek. "He is just here to listen."

Takeo is a failed service dog who was unable to pass the training. Gawelek said all of her therapy dogs are "fabulous flunkies" who were unable to be service dogs due to issues like hip displacement. Gawelek has had three therapy dogs over the course of her 10-year program. She started this program with the library after getting her first dog. She said she wanted to help kids learn as she understands how important reading is.

Each kid in the program gets to pick out a book to read for their 15-minute time slot. Gawelek said she tries to keep children within their reading level so that they don't pick too hard of a book and get discouraged. She often helps kids keep track of where they are at in the book and helps them to sound out words. She encourages readers to sound words out loud so they can connect the letters they are reading and the words they mean. For younger readers who may not be ready to read whole books she has them count items in the book or tell her what color things are. This all happens while her therapy dog listens to the children and receives their gentle pets.

Takeo the therapy dog listens to children as they read book out loud. Takeo provides a judgment-free zone where kids can learn without fear of being made fun of.
Takeo the therapy dog listens to children as they read book out loud. Takeo provides a judgment-free zone where kids can learn without fear of being made fun of.

Leah Bolyard is a mom to three kids who regularly attend the reading to a dog sessions at the library. She said her kids are always excited to go to the library during this time. She has also seen improvement in each of her kid's reading skills since they have started reading to Takeo.

"It is an awesome program," said Bolyard. "It has been really helpful."

One of her sons said he would rather spend the whole time petting Takeo but he knows he has to read. To get around this he has one hand on his book reading and another stroking Takeo's head. Bolyard said all of her children love Takeyo and will talk about him the whole way home.

To learn more about the Chillicothe and Ross County Public Library and all the events they hold throughout each month visit one of the many branches across the county or go online to the library's website.

Shelby Reeves is a reporter for the Chillicothe Gazette. You can email her at or follow her on Twitter @Shelby_Reeves_

This article originally appeared on Chillicothe Gazette: Reading to dogs at the library helps children develop critical skills