Real Estate & Homes by Trulia review

Real Estate & Homes by Trulia searches for homes and properties for sale or rent based on your geographic location. Like other real estate search sites, Trulia queries multiple sources, listings, and rates to find you the best possible deal. You can customize searches by the things that matter most, like proximity to good schools, a short commute, or parks and recreational opportunities. You can tour the interior and exterior of most listings, request info, contact agents, and more.


Advanced search options: Trulia searches by square footage, bathrooms, and other amenities, as well as more tightly focused criteria such as New Construction, Foreclosure, Lot Size, Year Built, and Keywords like "pool" or "fireplace."

Local Info: Trulia's Local Info feature searches for properties based on local criteria such as Crime, Commute, Affordability, Schools, Traffic, and even Natural Disasters.

Features and extras: Trulia not only displays properties for sale but rentals and sold properties, too. Extras include online access via a free Account, tools like a Mortgage Calculator, and Trulia for Agents for real estate professionals.


Ads: Animated banner ads loading at the same time as property images and other features taxed our device's resources.

Check all listings: As always, we recommend trying other tools to make sure Trulia isn't missing something, like a small difference that can mean big savings over time.

Bottom Line

We especially like this app's Local Info option. The Real Estate & Homes by Trulia app is a great resource to have on your phone when you're looking for the right home or neighborhood.

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