Is a recent case of tuberculosis in Pa. a concern for Delaware? What you need to know

A case of tuberculosis was confirmed in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, but Delawareans should not be concerned about an outbreak making its way across state lines.

According to the Delaware County Health Department, a case of tuberculosis at Penn Wood Middle School was confirmed after the William Penn School District notified the county health department on Sunday.

Health officials are working with the school district to identify people who may have been exposed to the affected individual.

Is tuberculosis a concern in Delaware?

Delaware’s last confirmed case of tuberculosis was in 2022 and is considered a low-incidence state for the disease as it typically falls below the national incidence rate, said the Delaware Division of Public Health.

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What causes tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis disease, also known as TB, is caused by a bacterium called mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs but can attack any part of the body, including the brain, spine and kidneys.

Not everyone infected with the bacteria becomes sick, resulting in two TB-related conditions called latent TB infection and TB disease. If not treated properly, tuberculosis disease can be fatal.

People with the disease are sick from TB germs that are active, meaning they are multiplying and destroying tissue in the body. Symptoms include a bad cough that lasts three weeks or longer, coughing up blood or phlegm and chest pain.

How does tuberculosis spread?

Affected individuals can spread germs to others, most likely people they have close contact with for a prolonged period of time, and require treatment to kill those germs. Treatment includes taking several medications for six to nine months.

Tuberculosis does not spread the same way as the flu and cannot be transferred from person to person by shaking hands, sharing toothbrushes or kissing or sharing food and drinks.

What should I do if I am exposed?

If you suspect you have tuberculosis or have been in close contact with someone who might be infected, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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This article originally appeared on Delaware News Journal: Tuberculosis case is confirmed near Delaware. What you should know