Recipe: Gail's Pumpkin Bread (from Faith Salie)

"Sunday Morning" contributor Faith Salie offers a holiday recipe from her mom:

"My mother used to faithfully deliver loaves of this bread during the holiday seasons to the local jail when I was a child. The prisoners, possessing gratitude but not overly discriminating taste buds, nicknamed my young mom 'The Gingerbread Lady.'

"As regular as the leaves falling from the trees, the smells of her pumpkin bread filled our home for months during the fall and winter. I think of her every time I bake it, especially with my kids – the grandchildren she never got to meet, but who know it's 'GG's pumpkin bread' that we're baking together."

Gail's Pumpkin Bread


4 cups all-purpose flour3 cups sugar1 can pumpkin (15 oz.)4 eggs2/3 cup water1 cup oil (I use vegetable oil)1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon allspice1 teaspoon cloves1 teaspoon ground ginger1 teaspoon nutmeg1 teaspoon baking powder2 teaspoons baking soda1 1/2 teaspoon salt

[I throw caution to the wind and measure all my spices as heaping teaspoons.]


Throw it all in a mixer into a single big bowl and mix until just blended. Spray baking pans and bake at 350°. Time it depending on size of pan – the small size loaf pan is about 35 minutes of baking; the larger loaf pans are closer to 50 minutes. (I just keep checking for doneness – or let my kids use the cake tester, which they find very exciting.)

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