Recreational marijuana is still illegal in GA, but what’s the deal with THC vape pens?

While recreational pot is still illegal in Georgia, many wonder about the future of THC in other forms.

Currently, Delta-8, a compound found in THC, is legal. However, anything with Delta-9 THC contents that exceed 0.3% are illegal. This can be in the form of gummies, candies, lotions and more.

So what about THC vape pens? Here’s what we know:

Are THC vape pens legal in Georgia?

In short, no.

According to the Georgia State Cannabis System:

  • In Georgia, possessing up to an ounce (28 grams) of marijuana for personal use is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 12 months imprisonment and a fine of up to $1,000.

  • Possession of more than one ounce of marijuana is a felony punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment but with a mandatory minimum sentence of 12 months imprisonment.

Recreational marijuana in any form is illegal in Georgia, whether that is by smoking, vaping, topical products, food and oil.

This includes the THC oil in vape pens as well.

What about if you qualify for medical marijuana?

The only exception to the law is for those who qualify and have legally obtained a Registry Card. Even then, the card only allows for medical marijuana in the form of 20 fluid ounces of Low THC Oil.

Medical cannabis in GA: How to qualify, where to purchase & more of your questions answered

“Possession of any other form of marijuana by anyone not authorized to possess it remains a violation of state and federal law,” according to the Georgia Department of Public Health.

Low THC Oil for medical marijuana patients can be purchased at a licensed dispensary in the state of Georgia, where they can also purchase a vape pen for their medical needs.

Do you have more questions about medical marijuana or Georgia law? Comment below to let us know or email me at

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Medical cannabis in GA: How to qualify, where to purchase & more of your questions answered